Blue Squamosa Diary


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Mall of GA
I'm going to track the progress of this little clam and try to post monthly photo updates. My hope is that this thread continues for many, many years.
But realistically, I usually have very bad luck when I go chasing unicorns :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Purchased from Austin Aqua Farms as an aquacultured specimen ~2.5"

Arrived yesterday morning.

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the squamosa i got last year died after like 3 weeks i dunno what i did but so far i have 3 clams now that ive managed to take good care of a big squamosa ive had for 6 months a crocea ive had since december and a tiny maxima ive had for about 2 months im having a little cyano problem at the moment


  • 2021-07-24.jpg
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I love clams too, but locally we have such limited selection, its tough.
And small clams don't ship well so you're basically rolling the dice 2x when buying them online
My 3 maxima clams from Nemo’s are over a year old and doing well. I also have my eye on a few from Pacific East.

Good luck.
Day 2 Update

Originally had it on the side of the tank. This morning I moved it a couple of inches toward the middle of the tank (more light).
Seems to like it better.

I’ve been researching the par requirements and it’s all over the board however the general consensus seems to be above 200.

I think the middle of my tank is about 300-325ish. I’d guess right now she’s at about 225?

As a side note I’ve been manually dosing calcium 1x per week but will probably need to put it on the doser.

I’ve got 2 small croceas, a 5-6” derasa and now this bad boy
Day 30

We went on holiday for about 5 days and the frag tank hasn’t really been the same. I can’t pinpoint what the issue is but I’ve lost a couple of acros and the newest Crocea. I think it’s slowly getting back to normal. The alk has been running on the lower side (low 7/hi 6) and the calcium is high (above 500). I probably need to dial in both numbers.

Old Blue has been moved to the sand bed next to the Derasa. It seems happier there but I am concerned because I don’t see any white growth on the shell.

Whoops haven’t been updating this at all, lol.
I move the squammy from the frag tank to the IM40. She still doesn’t have a white growth ring on her shell but seems to be doing ok but I know that isn’t a good thing.

Glass is dirty

Nice! I love them too but I've had croceas, maximas, derasas and this squammy...they all did "well" for about 6-9 months and then just died relatively quickly.

Old Blue is still plugging along but still hasn't shown any new growth on its shell...I don't know whats up with it.
Old Blue is still hanging on but not really thriving. I moved her up from the sandbed to the top…about 6 inches below the surface. Scored some phyto from @york1 and have been dosing the tank.

It may be wishful thinking but I think I see white shell growth developing on the inside of the shell. 🤞

Phyto and/or detritus should help. Pic a time before you dose the phyto and blast the detritus up into the water column with the powerheads up a little higher to attempt to keep it in suspension. Just avoid shadowing the clam or bumping the mantle when you do it. If it's open and happy looking it's filtering the water.
Man must be blue squammy season...everyone has blues for sale between $250-$400.
I saw a video where James Fatheree where he mentioned blue squammies are NOT rare and about 1:10.

I currently have 4 clams (1 brown squam; 1 derasa, 1 gold maxima & 1 blue maxima) and don't need another one but man I'm getting itchy
