BoD Meeting Minutes - August 2006


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Written by Flipturn88

Date: 22 August 2006
Location: Steve and Margi Shindell’s home
Minutes by: Kayla Swart (Secretary)

I. Welcome
7:40 p.m. - Meeting called to order by Chris Horne (the current ARC President), who welcomed all BoD and attendees.

II. Old Business
Treasurer’s Repot: Due to the treasurer’s absence, a formal report was not given.

III. New Business
a) Upcoming Meetings:
- September meeting: After much deliberation and a variety of options addressed, it has been concluded that the September meeting will be at Steve Shindell’s office and will include a Calcium talk by Tom Wyatt.
- October meeting: Chris Horne and Steve Shindell announced that they will not be present at October’s meeting.

b) Club Donations:
- Suggestions were made in regards to potential club donations, including helping aquariums in the coastal regions affected by hurricane Katrina. An organizer of this opportunity is still needed.

c) Offerings to Club Members:
- Kayla Swart addressed the concern that more attention should be given to all newcomers to the ARC. Gwen suggested an online forum be set up as a welcome, and the idea of free frags to “newbies” was also mentioned.
- A position is still open for coordinator of the ARC Power Buys.
o Paying in advance is an important change that will be made for future Power Buys.
o Potential Power Buys were discussed, including peppermint shrimp, cleanup crews, yellow tangs, power heads, Southdown tropical play sand, and fish food.
- Future “Tour of Tanks” are still in the planning phase. Further details will be announced as more information is gathered, and an official organizer may be needed to help formulate a solid plan.

d) Website:
Thanks to the hard work of Chris Horne and other ARC members, the new ARC website is now in effect.
- User registration details are now a lot easier
- Every sponsor has his own forum.
- A motion for budget approval for the image uploading control was approved by the BoD.
- It is planned that more Google maps will be utilized for providing directions to various club organizations and events.
- The website’s new header is being worked on by Kayla Swart.
- Giving the web designer a position in the BoD was discussed, but a conclusive decision was not made.
- Other plans, including a “My Reef”/journal forum, photo of the month, and new forums were briefly mentioned.

e) Saltwater U and the ARC
- The question as to how the relationship between the ARC and SWU program should be viewed was addressed. It was considered that the SWU coordinator be given a position as a new BoD member, but no definitive answer was given.

f) Georgia Aquarium and the ARC
- The Georgia Aquarium is still looking for volunteers, even if for only one day per week. This would be a great opportunity for ARC members and saltwater enthusiasts to experience the aquarium in a different light.

IV. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 PM.
EDIT - A change needs to be made for section "e" of the minutes:

e) Saltwater U and the ARC
- The ARC BOD voted on and approved an amendment to the Constitution and By-laws that now allows the SWU Coordinator to be added to the ARC BoD, thereby giving this person voting rights on the ARC BoD.