BOD Minutes - 9/22/2010


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BOD Meeting - Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Attending: Micheal Foote, Robin Finke, Raj Knight, Christine Horne, Stacy Howard Neece, Chris Horne, Chris Ozment, Dave Grim
Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm

1.) Announcement of the resignation of former Treasurer Simon Kruger via a post in the BOD forum and a message left on Micheal Foote's voice mail. Announcement of the resignation of former President Ansley Craton via a message left on Micheal Foote's voice mail. Discussion that due to the resignation of their respective positions neither Ansley or Simon is eligible to be part of the BOD for 2011.

2.) Announcement of appointment of Robin Finke to position of Treasurer by former President Ansley Craton upon the resignation of Simon Kruger; Appointment of Dave Grim to position of Sponsor Coordinator by President Micheal Foote; Appointment of Stacy Howard Neece to membership coordinator upon the resignation of Jamie Craton by President Micheal Foote.

3.) Discussion / Confirmation of the official transfer of ARC and SWU financial accounts to the new Treasurer Robin Finke, with Raj Knight continuing as the executor of the accounts.

4.) Discussion of the retrieval of ARC items from Ansley Craton (raffle items, AV equipment, club printer, etc) by Barry Castle or Robin Finke before the October meeting. Micheal Foote and Robin Finke to draft an official letter outlining the items to be returned.

5.) Discussion of the Chris Horne (mojo) / Raj Knight (skriz) dual ticket for the 2011 officer nominations / elections. Nothing found in the club Constitution that prohibits a dual ticket. Micheal Foote to create a post opening nominations to the club October 1st.

6.) GAI employees - Motion by President Micheal Foote to grant all GAI employees "Honorary Membership" complete with a badge indicating that they are GAI employees on the website with the stipulation that if the employee opts out of the GAI employee badge then they are forfeit the free membership. Any GAI employee interested in the free membership must submit to the membership coordinator proof of employment to receive the free membership.
Seconded; Yeah - 3; Nay - 1; Motion passed.

7.) Discussion of Andy Brookfield filing false copyright infringement claim against the ARC with GoDaddy causing the ARC website to be temporarily inaccessible.

Motion by Micheal Foote to allocate funds to committee to investigate our legal options against Andy Brookfield for disruption of the ARC forums and business. Seconded and passed unanimously.

Committee formed consisting of Micheal Foote, Raj Knight, and Robin Finke.

8.) Motion - Any donations to the ARC or SWU can only be accepted by BOD members or the sponsor coordinator and must be given to the Treasurer to allow the Treasurer to provide receipts to the donator for the 501C3 tax benefit; the Treasurer will provide a report every 3 months to the BOD on donations to the ARC and or SWU. Seconded and passed unanimously.

9.) Discussion of changing the official ARC address on file with Air Water and Ice and with Seachem from Ansley Craton's address to the official club address.

10.) Discussion of the Holiday Party - Micheal Foote to investigate locations in the downtown or Buckhead areas that can handle up to 100 people for the Holiday Party. Budget to be determined based on location.

11.) Discussion of the current Moderator Core - Dave Grim feels that a fourth moderator would be beneficial. The BOD is starting the search for another moderator. Anyone interested in the position should contact Micheal Foote.

12.) Discussion of the formation of a Non-Reef related forum for advertising of services by members.

Motion - start up a forum for advertising non-reef related services. Seconded, Yeah - 1; Nay - 3; Motion denied.

13.) Motion to donate livestock, donated to the ARC by Rit's Aquatic, to the Glancy Rehab Center tank. Seconded, Yeah - 3; Nay - 1; Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm
Its related to the line above- the motion to allocate funds to a committee to investigate the clubs legal options against Andy Brookfield. The committee consisted of the individuals noted there.
I understood it was related to number 7, Just wanted a little better explanation than a repeat of what was written. Could this be elaborated? I'm not trying to stir up drama its just not that clear.
We passed a motion to allocate funds to committee to investigate our legal options against Andy Brookfield for disruption of the ARC forums and business. The committee that will be doing that investigating conssits of Raj Knight, Micheal Foote, and Robin Finke. Andy was the one who caused the forums to be inaccessible for over 24 hours by filing a false claim with GoDaddy for copyright infringement. The above committee will be talking to an attorney and learning what our options are - this incident may fall under Georgia's cyber stalking laws and they will determine if there is further action that the club can take if necessary.
Ok thank you, Would you guys let us (the club) know how much it will cost to prosecute Andy? Court fees and the cost of the lawyer, I understand this has poed alot of people but could the club vote on spending the money or letting it go? All I'm asking if its gonna cost 2 grand just to get back at this guy, and the funds are not one persons money could it be voted on or at least let us know
dawgdude;566670 wrote: The way I took it was that they are going to look at what legal recourse we have due to the false claims made by Andy and what laws he broke in doing so.

Change of subject,kind of ...but when does the voting of the BOD happen?
Smallblock;566671 wrote: Ok thank you, Would you guys let us (the club) know how much it will cost to prosecute Andy? Court fees and the cost of the lawyer, I understand this has poed alot of people but could the club vote on spending the money or letting it go? All I'm asking if its gonna cost 2 grand just to get back at this guy, and the funds are not one persons money could it be voted on or at least let us know

We are just allocating funds to see what our options are - no one said anything about prosecution at this point - but we also don't want every person that gets ticked at the club to shut it down either!
gmpolan;566674 wrote: Change of subject,kind of ...but when does the voting of the BOD happen?

Not sure what you mean - but the BOD typically votes on whatever matters come up that need attention at the BOD meeting.
i was meaning, when does the club actually vote on the officers who are on the BOD?
Smallblock;566671 wrote: Ok thank you, Would you guys let us (the club) know how much it will cost to prosecute Andy? Court fees and the cost of the lawyer, I understand this has poed alot of people but could the club vote on spending the money or letting it go? All I'm asking if its gonna cost 2 grand just to get back at this guy, and the funds are not one persons money could it be voted on or at least let us know

I don't think it's meant to "get him back". I has to do more with the damage that was caused by making false claims and for the site being down. I doubt we'd be willing to spends thousands to deal out some payback. It wouldn't be worth it.
I understand, I just dont want it to cost the club a bunch of money to make a point. I just wish Godaddy hadnt jumped to conclusions. I do understand that the point needs to be made though. Does anyone understand where I am coming from and that I'm not trying to start crap?
gmpolan;566678 wrote: i was meaning, when does the club actually vote on the officers who are on the BOD?

There is no vote on the BOD members per se. The BOD is composed of the current officers and the previous years officers. So this years BOD is composed of Raj (as last years president), Micheal (current president), myself (secretary) and Lilrobb (current treasurer)
Dawgdude is correct - if there are open BOD positions (there can be a total of 8 BOD members) then the President can appoint people to fill open seats if they want to - it is at the Presidents discretion.
Smallblock;566681 wrote: I understand, I just dont want it to cost the club a bunch of money to make a point. I just wish Godaddy hadnt jumped to conclusions. I do understand that the point needs to be made though. Does anyone understand where I am coming from and that I'm not trying to start crap?

I know where you're coming from.
It didnt become drama untill 6 people decided to jump on me and answer for someone else. I mean come on guys I cant say anymore that I'm not trying to start crap. I will ask a question that others may not want to put up with all the silly bad taste responses. Christine I'm sorry your thread got like this is wasnt my intention.
Smallblock;566689 wrote: It didnt become drama untill 6 people decided to jump on me and answer for someone else. I mean come on guys I cant say anymore that I'm not trying to start crap. I will ask a question that others may not want to put up with all the silly bad taste responses. Christine I'm sorry your thread got like this is wasnt my intention.

No problem - if you have any other questions feel free to PM me.