Brett Raymer (of Tanked) and George Mavrakis (CoralFish12g) Club Meet and Greet

Brett Raymer (of Tanked) and George Mavrakis (CoralFish12g) Club Meet and Greet
Posted by Cook
Dr. Scofflaw's at The Works
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 07:00 PM
Until: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 09:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

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We are confirmed for Tuesday March 14th 7PM-9PM for an informal meeting with Brett Raymer. There really weren't any options for days related to his schedule, so I am sorry if there are members that can't attend. As of right now, the meeting place is at The Works, Upper Westside - Dr. Scofflaws. The venue is confirmed. I'm open to other suggestions for future events if there are any that are 1) reasonable cost and 2) centrally located. Getting Brett on the calendar has been a challenge as Brett and Steve have been organizing the filming of several update videos for the six tanks that were on the Tanked series here in Atlanta. Our own @scuba steve will be there as well to share his part of the story, so come out to hear about the Tanked TV show, massive aquariums, Brett's latest projects. Please join us and I think we will have a great discussion.

Meeting Location:
Dr. Scofflaw's at The Works
214 Chattahoochee Row NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
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You mentioned that the venue wasn't definite at this point? If you have to change plans, the Mill in Canton might be a good spot. There's a church and several small businesses there that rent out event space.
@KrisDeitz - Beer is on you. We can do some food.

We are confirmed at Scofflaws for Tuesday.
You mentioned that the venue wasn't definite at this point? If you have to change plans, the Mill in Canton might be a good spot. There's a church and several small businesses there that rent out event space.
If you have contact information would you mind sending to me in a message? Thanks and we will look into this area for a future event.
If you have contact information would you mind sending to me in a message? Thanks and we will look into this area for a future event.
I don’t have contact info but this is the website. It is a great space with a variety of different restaurants and a brewery.
Thank you to everyone who made it out tonight, it was great putting some names to faces and fun to share a bit about some of the projects that we got to be a part of. Brett is planning another trip to Atlanta in the next few months and we're going to work on putting together a bit more of an actual presentation with pictures and slides of the projects that we did here in Atlanta for the show.
Thanks again, I had a great time tonight.