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what causes brook? my clowns seem to have come down with this. first time ive seen it.
It usually shows after a fish has been stressed. Brook is a parasite like ich, but I think it has the ability to spread much faster.
Yes, you should. Brook has been labeled as a clownfish disease by many, but it affect all fish.
It is very serious and very fatal. I have had limited success with freshwater dips, but the surefire way to treat is with formalin dips. Formalin is very caustic and very stressful, so dont overdo it, keep the water aerated, and watch the fish closely. But you will need to act.
too late my male gs died today. :bash2: my female looks ok but it took me forever to find a male she would pair with.
yes everything is testing fine,checked grounding probe,cant find anything wrong. lost my sailfin,naso,gs. im getting depressed
it is so weird to me the only one i seem to be able to keep is my blue hippo. i have had her for close to a year with no problems.
:wow: now that is amazing. Of all the tangs, they are usually the most susceptible to disease
i know!!!! i cant explain it. i love her so much my 210 is coming on sat i hope she likes it.:thumbs:
Just some advice. This is not the law:

I wouldn't move any of the water, rock or sand out of the tank with brook. It is a parasite and it is still present in that tank. Quarantine and treat all fish removed from the tank with brook, then let the tank run without fish for 6-8 weeks to make sure the parasite is completely gone. If you move everything over to fast you risk transferring the parasite to your new tank and it can infect your fish while they are adjusting to the new conditions.
Wild caught clowns, with maroons in particular seem to get afflicted with this most. My GB maroon had it and I successfully got it with a FW dip, but I think I was lucky, if not coincidental. As said, be sure none of the other fish are showing any symptoms, such as excessicve mucous production, listlessness, or lethargy.

If you have removed the higher life from the tank- ie- fish corals, crabs, etc., you can turn up the heater to the low to mid 80's. This will accelerate the"incubation" and metabolism of the bacteria, protozoans, pathogens, etc, and will run it's course a bit faster. Make sure there is nothing that will be negatively impacted by higher temps.