BTA Problems?????????Please Help

jason sartain

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Hey everybody,
Let me feel you in on my set up. 75G reef tank,super skimmer 125,(2) 175w MH 10000K ,(2) 54w T-5 actinics,RENA G4 canister filter,Emp 400 hang on filter,(1) 400GPH power head,(1)295GPH power head,(1) Clown,Royal gramma,Flame angel, and (2) Bangi cardinal fish.I've got brown BTA (that I bought at a LFS) that has moved ever since I bought it,and a green BTA(I got from a another member) that stayed put for about 2 weeks and then it moved.They are both attached to the rock on the back side of the tank,in the same corner of the tank, and they still have all there color.I am feeding DT's plankton every 2 days and misis shrimp everyday. Should I be worried or are they just finding there new spots? Are my lights or power haeds too much? Am I not feeding them enough?
All your input is welcomed!!!
You don't have too much light or flow. I would be more worried about your parameters. BTAs need fairly high water quality. How old is your tank? Nems are better suited for established tanks. When you say you are feeding mysis every day.... do you mean you are feeding the anemone every day or your tank? Give us your water parameters and we may be able to help you more.
Jason, I wouldn't worry. If they look fine, then chances are they are fine. BTA's will wander around the tank until they find a nice crevis into which they can put their foot and body. Then they will usually stay in this location until some change occurs that they do not like (like no lights for a couple of days, or high flow directed right at them.)
Sorry I should have posted my parameters this morning, but everything is 0 except niatraes which are about 15-20,is this too high for BTAs?, water temp is about 78 to 80 depending on the time of day,and PH is about 7.8 to 8.1 is this too high or low? I'm also running my Actinics about 12 hrs a day and my MH about 10 hrs a day, should I change this one way or the other? My tank is only about 1 1/2 months old and I wouldn't have got these if I knew I should have waited a little longer for my tank to establish itself.Everything else like my yellow poylps,mushrooms,candycanes,star poylps, and elegance corals are doing fine.BTW the green BTA footed itself on my skimmer return box in the top righthand corner of the tank this afternoon and my brown BTA has footed a little closer to the top of the tank as well. Thats all I can tell you about my tank at this point.
Thanks for anymore help.