Build thread 40breeder


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After a five year hiatus from salt tanks, I have started another tank. Part of the reason of the break was me buying my first house, having a new baby, trying fresh water for the first time in over 15 years and just the fact that I had bigger fish to fry then an aquarium. The tank has had water in it for a few months... Err a year...( long leak test lol). I put the dead shrimp in it early October.

I have been working on getting this going for probably a year or so. Puting it on the stand , then not touching it for two weeks. Then tinkering with it here and there. I kind of purposely took my time, i figured it would give me more time to think about things. And maybe I wouldn't be kicking myself over not doing somthing. Having done this for a long time and picked up on things here and there I wanted to make sure I incorporated the knowledge I have gained over the years, from building custom tanks to doing maintenance on them. My biggest thing is just keeping it simple and easy to maintenance. Because if it is easy, then i am more inclined to give it attention.

The stand I built probably 10 or 12 years ago. ( dang its already 2020) The top of the stand is at 42", this puts the tank more at eye level. Being six foot tall, I hate having to bend over to look at o! Thats a nice tank, let me just lay on the ground to look at it... I plan on adding a side compartment in the future to hide the electric items. And to incorporate a switchable power bank.

The tank and sump are both the standard 40 breeders from petco. The sump is actually my old display from my previous set up. I was not satisfied with how I drilled it then, so decided to start fresh with the a new display. I originally had a 20gal long mocked up as the sump. After putting my skimmer, return pump and wanting space for other equipment, I realized that the 20 wasn't going to cut it . So I just went in the attic and grabbed my old 40 and switched them.( this was about a week of looking at it and thinking). I cut the baffles and built the sock holder myself out of my stock pile of acrylic. I put two spots on the return line for future equipment... I.e. uv, reactors, frag tank.

The drilled the display for two return lines/ports that have ball valves on each. I used an eshopps overflow. It works great, the only problem is that the water level in the display was too low for my liking. To solve this, I just filled the intake slots on the overflow box with black silicone to my desired height. This worked and hides the top of the water behind the top trim.

The light is a four bulb t-5 ( club t5 yea yea!!). I may go l.e.d in the future, but can't get past the tried and true t5s. I tried a current marine orbit led fixture a few years ago and was not impressed. I actually still have it in the closet. As far as pumps I have two jebao rw-4's. I am happy with them, but have been looking to get some mp10s. My skimmer is a skimz sk181. I really like the skimmer, but with skimz out of business, it is only a matter of time before I will need to get another one ( annoying).

Current livestock. All my rock is stuff that I have collected over the years when I did fish tanks professionally. It is a mixture of Fiji, branch, base rock etc.. I had all of it plus more "cooking" in a brute for over a year.
I have 10 blue legs ( evidently red legs are hard to get right now). Two Photon clowns from Bobz. I have had the clowns for a week today and are eating and seem happy.. Bob gave me a deal on an anemone I could not pass up. And Rit gave my 2 year old a piece of xenia. Shout out to Rit at Atlanta Aquarium. I plan on getting some snails today, if I can find some.
In the future i plan on only having a few different corals and adding maybe two more fish. I really do not want to go crazy with it, ( been there done that, and spent the money!) I just want something nice to look at while we eat dinner ( thats not the tv) and something that my kids can enjoy.

Thats all i can think of currently. I will up date periodically.

Chris c.


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Picked up a monapora, birdsnest and a zoa frag at rits the other day along with some snails at nemos. A Buddy of mine brought me two zoa frags as well. Zoas and frogspawn are my favorite coral with out a doubt. Hopefully going to @Rainblood tonight to get a zoa frag pack. Then, I think I am going to just let it ride...and keep my hands out of the tank.

Chris c

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Famous last words, "keep my hands out the tank". Easier said than done. Lol!

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Famous last words, "keep my hands out the tank". Easier said than done. Lol!

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You're right about that one. Said it before with mixed results

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I'm about to build me a stand for a 40 breeder. 30 x 18 x 18.
Do you have any problem with the tank rocking or wobbling on the carpet?
Did not realize it has been so long since an update.. lol

A lot has happened since December when I added the Photon clowns @bobz . I have added many coral and fish. I have replaced pumps, impellers, bulbs, done water changes, I'd say the biggest thing I have done though, is nothing at all. Just leave the tank a lone and let it do its thing. I have .... for the most part have not had my hands in the tank .

In March, I added a new mp10qd shout out to rit @atlantaaquarium , I have been playing with the flow. I currently have it on reef crest and running it at 50%. I have gone from 30% and slowly have been raising it. I typically raise it about 5% at a time, After a 2-3 weeks at each setting.

In April, I changed the t5 bulbs in the fixture, 3 blues and 1 daylight. I like the color temp better then 2 daylights and 2 blue. I want to get a 6 bulb fixture though and do 2 daylights and 4 blues. I think I am sacrificing some coral growth with only one daylight bulb. Starting in mid-late April, I noticed cyano becoming more prevalent. I Blamed this on my older bulbs, detritus in the sump, lack of flow from the mp10s. I then put my filter socks in and cut light time down a bit for a week or two. This nipped the cyano in the booty.

I installed an american Dj switchable power strip.. We used these on a lot on customers tanks when I worked in the fish store....back in the day! Before controllers were a thing. This make my life so much easier. No more unplugging cords and hoping I unplug the right one. I installed three wifi sockets on the back of the power strip to control the lights, two for the t5's and one for the sump/fuge. This is so much better then the old school timers. Granted, still not as good as an apex or controller. But, I have never had a controller, and been fine with out one. But I would like one in the future.

In may, I found vermetid snails, I have been crushing them here and there, I would say these have effected coral growth. I bought some bumble bee snails to help combat them, and I guess they are helping. My tank in not over run with the vermetids, so maybe the bees are doing something. I notice the bumble bees will sometimes bury themselves in a patch of coral and stay there for a day or so then move, maybe the are munching on the vermets. They do not seem to eat the coral at all. I added a Chromis Atripes... he was 10 bucks lol

In june, I just did a 15g water change, vacuumed the sand bed, added a yellow coris wrasse, 5 more bumble bee snails, fire and ice zoas. Late June-July I added two pJ cardinals. Don't remember touching the tank much more then that.

In July, I started adding some amino acids and trace elements, one capful, weekly...i have forgotten a few weeks. If I do a water change that week then I will not add any. Did a 15g water change, installed a new impeller in my skimmer, the ceramic shaft is unavailable, and aquacave lied when they swore up and down, left and right that they sent out new end caps for the shaft with the new impeller. Not very happy about that, but whatever, I have bigger things to worry about. I just will not order anything from them in the future and spread the word. I cleaned my return pump(Lifegard quiet one) and found that the impeller was cracked and since it was an older design, I could not get a new impeller, so i replaced it with the same brand pump, just the model down from the old one. That way no plumbing had to be changed and it was a more correct size for the tank. At this point ( and currently) I really started to notice diatom algae on the sand bed. This prompted me to do a three day of lights out, less food, and increase my flow a little. The tds of my Ro is 32 going in and 0 coming out.

so far in August I have just done a 15g water change, remarked 15 gallon drain mark on the side of the tank and vacuumed the sand bed. And noticed that the red bubble tip that @bobz gave me split! I plan on paying it forward when it gets a little bigger.

I am toying with the idea of putting my uv sterilizer on the tank. I don't really have a screaming reason though.
Learned that maybe lawnmower blennies are not for me, went through two in 8 months and when they passed they were both healthy looking and eating prepared food as well as algae... i dunno
I came to the conclusion, I should have just bought an Octopus skimmer in the first place and not the Skimz that i did.. then again I guess there was no way to know that they would go out of business.

I don't remember all the coral names that I have added, Mostly Zoas, a few sps and lps.. A good number have come from @Rainblood. Some of the coral are Rose bubble tip nem, Birdsnest, forgot name of monipora, Random Acro, Pavona,
zoas Dragen eye, unk pink metallics, Jungle juice, gatorade, nirvana, magicians, blue berry fields, fire and ice, wwc twizzler.. branching frogspawn, red mushrooms.

I will try to be better on the updates in the future...
The camera phone leaves alot to be desired
thanks for reading
Chris c
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No pics it didn't happen
Lots done since jan, sounds great!
I added some. I wrote that whole thing on the computer and then posted the pictures from my phone. I'll try to take some more when the lights come on

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Found another mode on my camera phone. Taken today

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So for a week or so my sps have been looking like crap and starting to die. I had added a bunch of Coral from my buddy's tank. I'm thinking that might have caused my alkalinity to drop, possibly along with some bad chemical warfare. This is really disheartening, as this tank was more or less on autopilot. Completely my own fault, I know better and I practice better, well...i typically do. The LPS , frogspawn, mushrooms, zoas look fine.. I just got the six bulb T5 fixture but I'm going to hold off on putting it on until my corals seem to be on the better end of things. Trying not to do a whole lot right now, we tend to mess More things up in haste, rather than making an adjustment waiting a few days and seeing what happens. I don't really want to even trim the refugium and that needs to be done. So far I did a 15 gallon water change, cleaned the skimmer cup, and Dosed 20 ml code B from Brightwell. We'll see what happens. But it's all part of it.

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Things seem to have calmed down in the tank. I think i have arrested the decline of the coral. Plan on testing again tonight to see where im at. My gorgonia has not opened in a few days, dont know what thats about

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