Bulk Chemicals and other good deals


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I got an email from twopartsolution.com to check out some new prices and ran across a couple good deals.

They still have good prices on prepackaged Two Part solutions with magnesium and even sell a kit which makes it super easy. But some new additions are:

Kalkwasser - 9lbs for $19 versus MrsWages 1lb $4 or name brand for about 1lb $11

GFO - 4lbs for $65 versus 1lb for $31 of Phosar. (DrsFosterSmith PhosPure is a great alternative at 1lb $19)

Ignite and ROX carbon, the RK2 at about the best price I have seen online ($257 with probe at $35), Glass Drilling Bits and some other goodies.

I have ordered several items from them in the past without incident.
Well i'ma go on and order the 7lbs Mg and the 7 lbs CaCl2, along with a few lbs of carbon. If you want in let me know before 2:00 pm tomorrow. Better yet we can just split what i ordered. I only need to dose 1lb of Mg in my tank and the rest is just for laying around.
Cameron, Thank you. What an excellent site. I will be ordering from them. Great find. Thanks again.
Cam... (or anyone else who can answer this feel free of course to chime in) :) Who manufactures Mag Flake? Is it Dow Chemical? Where can you buy Mag Flake in bulk? I have purchased from
a> in the past and it is a good deal.  However I am convinced that we should be able to get this much much cheaper.  I have a source for 50 pound bags of Calcium Chloride but I am still looking for the Mag Flake.  Anyone know the Manuf or a bulk distribution point
This company sells what you're looking for in bulk. You have to call them to get a quote though.

JustOneMoreTank;48013 wrote: Cam... (or anyone else who can answer this feel free of course to chime in) :) Who manufactures Mag Flake? Is it Dow Chemical? Where can you buy Mag Flake in bulk? I have purchased from http://www.twopartsolution.com">www.twopartsolution.com</a> in the past and it is a good deal. However I am convinced that we should be able to get this much much cheaper. I have a source for 50 pound bags of Calcium Chloride but I am still looking for the Mag Flake. Anyone know the Manuf or a bulk distribution point? Thanks:)[/QUOTE]

I think that DOW makes Mag Flake. There are HD's and Lowes that sell the stuff, but I'm not sure if they sell it here in the SE.

You can get it in bulk from these [IMG]http://www.peterschemical.com/magnesium-chloride/">folks</a> up in Jersey. I don't know what their min. order is though...
I ordered from them not too long ago. Fast and easy.

Unless you'r talking about 1000# or so of product, I am not sure your really going to save a lot of $. i use to be in chemical distribution and unless you where buying a pallet or more of material, there was not much of a price break.

Twopartsolutions is probably buying that in pallet quantities and breaking it down. The other reason that I went to them instead to my friends in chemical distribution is that I can get several different chemicals in small packages and I would not have 50# bags sitting around soaking up mositure and going bad.
I really like the two part setup. I still use ReefComplete from Seachem because it is a no-brainer, but I have been very happy with their products especially Reef Chili which is by the same guy.
I've been looking over the Two Part site and found these two starter kits which aren't bad priced. However, can someone tell me the difference?

Seems like http://www.twopartsolution.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=71">Two Part Starter Kit</a> is the same as [IMG]http://www.twopartsolution.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=154">The Total Package</a> except that the second one contains more stuff for only $5 more.

Anyone used this that can shed some light?
Thanks for the site Cameron... I was looking for a mailorder site for mag flake...
George;50711 wrote: I've been looking over the Two Part site and found these two starter kits which aren't bad priced. However, can someone tell me the difference?

Seems like http://www.twopartsolution.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=71">Two Part Starter Kit</a> is the same as [IMG]http://www.twopartsolution.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=154">The Total Package</a> except that the second one contains more stuff for only $5 more.

Anyone used this that can shed some light?[/QUOTE]The two part starter kits individual packages the bags of the items so all you have to do is cut an end off a bag and pour it into a jug. The other package has more stuff but you have to measure it out yourself. The starter kit is nice and practically no mess, but the other is a better deal with little effort. Can't really go wrong with either IMO.
question: Why do you need all of these chemicals? I'm new with a 75g FOWLR for now and when I read all of these posts I get very confused.
These chemicals are meant for reef tanks. They are used to keep Alk and Cal up. In reef tanks(especially SPS dominated) the corals use a lot of Cal and other trace minerals to make their skeletons. If there is not enough Cal the growth of the coral will be slowed.

Now with a FOWLR the only thing you really need is your water changes to get back your trace minerals. Some might tell you if you want more coraline growth on your live rock try Purple Up. Some swear by it, some don't see a difference.

I hoped this helped.
Cameron;51185 wrote: The two part starter kits individual packages the bags of the items so all you have to do is cut an end off a bag and pour it into a jug. The other package has more stuff but you have to measure it out yourself. The starter kit is nice and practically no mess, but the other is a better deal with little effort. Can't really go wrong with either IMO.
Thanks. That's what I thought.

The description makes the starter kit sound a bit like it's some kind of prep kit to get all your pH, Alk, and Ca values up to speed for 2 parting, but I couldn't see any chemical difference.

Odds are I'm more likely to spill the bags all over than if I measure out the chemicals myself anyway. :D
Frewl;51202 wrote: Some might tell you if you want more coraline growth on your live rock try Purple Up. Some swear by it, some don't see a difference.
Purple Up has, if I recall, iodine supplements in it which is an important part of coraline algae. I think many of the people who swear by it probably aren't changing enough water to maintain their iodine levels. I dose iodine every couple of weeks and it helps my coraline, but I dose it for the inverts, not the algae.