Calcium Reactor question


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I'm thinking about getting the
<span style="font-family: Arial;">Milwaukee co2 Regulator With bubble counter and solenoid And the Ph controller.</span>

Does someone have any experience with them? Any opinions? I'm join this with the koralife 500 reactor.

Good idea? Comes up to about $300 total. Beats adding part A and part B all everyday.
I've had a Milwaukee regulator for about 4 years. Well, I've had 2 regulators and had to buy 5 different solenoids for them. They get gummed up real easy. I also bought the sms122 controller last year and have had nothing but problems with it. The customer service over there is great however, as I spent alot of time on the phone trying to get the thing to work properly. My problem is that it closes the solenoid on the regulator everytime I plug it up. Doesn't matter where its set. If you do buy one, make sure you get a reversed unit. They sent me the wrong one and it won't work with a calcium reactor. The regular unit shuts off anytime above the set point and reverse shuts off below. I'd recommend the pinpoint controller and possibly the gen x regulator.
I've used that same setup for going on 3 years and it has been rock solid. The needle valve assembly did plug up once or twice but that was from another problem, no fault of the solonoid.