Can any fw fish be converted to sw?

Why would you even WANT to do that? There are amazing saltwater fish that will fill the bill.
probably for money reasons--you can buy a molly wholesale for a heckuva lot cheaper than you can even a damsel or chromis I 'm sure--you can cycle w/ 10 mollies for prob. less than $1 wholesale, but close to $40-50 w/ SW fish. I don't know, just my guess...and that's in just one instance...imagine that over several years of cycling new tanks, etc...
We have a green spot.

I was so worried about him when I put him in I just knew he was gonna get beat up by the other fish.

That lasted about 10 seconds as this little guy can hold his own against anyone. He is not scared, he does not flee and he does not back down.

Linda and I watched this fish play tug of war with a trigger over a piece of shrimp..and WIN!

Personally, I really like this fish, he's inquisitive and quite active.

As a matter of fact I like him better than a pure SW puffer for a few reasons:

1. He is too small to destroy my inverts.

2. He won't get any bigger than he is.

3. He eats like a pig but doesn't pollute the tank when he poo's like a big puffer can.

4. You don't have to file his teeth.

However, these fish are notorius fin nippers so be aware of that.
tokejr;348620 wrote: Why would you even WANT to do that? There are amazing saltwater fish that will fill the bill.
I think it would be cool to try brackish water fish in a sw tank. Plus I'm hopping my sister Molly (my sister) will come into the hobby, she just has to beable to afford a reef safe none aggressive fish. So the gsp is out of the question, I might make a smaller seperate tank for them in a few years though. Molly is also only 9 so she is very interested in getting a fish called mollies! I just need to convert some to sw befor she gets hers to make sure I can do it right and I won't kill hers.
Molly (my sister) is only 9 so she still doesn't completly understand the value of money and isn't motivated by it yet so she doesn't have much of it. I'm just trying to find fish that she can afford.

Do mollies (the fish) school?
Yes, I've seen them school in FW tank as a male & harem (hiram, heram, take your pic)
If your parents will bring you over here, you are more than welcome to come look at the puffer and see it's behavior with your own two eyes..
we don't really have time to come this summer, we are soooo busy. I will probobly end up trying it eventually though :doh:. For now I will just stick with mollies for Molly.