Can it be done?.....I'm moving


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Hey all,

First, sorry for the long post.

I know there are quite a few threads out there about moving tanks but I'm terrible at searching for them and from what I remember most of them are for moving the tank somewhere relativey nearby....Thing is, I'm not quite moving down the road....I'm moving back to miami at the end of January/ early february. About a 12-13 hour drive depending on stops.

I've been toying with the idea of taking the tank with's only 30 gallons with a 20 long sump so size wise I'm not too worried.

The biggest problem I have is that I am not sure how in the world I'll be able to have ready made SW when I arrive.....I can probably take about 20-25 gallons with me with all the livestock in it. When I get there fill up the tank as much as possible, put everything back in, make SW, and fill the rest up later.

Here are the questions:

1) Will the livestock make the trip OK?

Fish: six line, yellow watchman, 2 ocellaris, neon goby, flame angel (i'll individually bag each fish). - I'm worried that it will be too cold on the way down in January or even February.

Corals: various SPS (mostly digitata, couple of acros), few zoos, flower pot, candy canes, hammer, frogspawn, xenia, mushrooms, open brain, small plate, brain coral (Favites i think), gorgonian..i think that's it

Inverts: not too worried about these guys but its various crabs, snails, and an emerald which I would like for him to make it (emotional attachment), some feather worms, sand sifting star, etc.

Sand: Do you take the sand with you? Im guessing this is a yes but I can also think of poblems it might cause.....its about a 2.5inch sandbed.

2) Is this even smart? As much as I love these guys, I dont want too end up with a bunch of dead stuff. I'd much rather sell them and give them a chance to live than take them into sure death. Of course, there is always the financial issue as well. I think I could get a decent base to start from scratch in Mia if i sold eveything. But again, I'll only do that if this is a terrible idea. I am seriously emotionally attached to these animals....its almost unhealthy.

As alays thanks for the help. I will miss the ARC and the local sponsors quite a bit. Though, as i said in a thread a while back....I will continue to pay dues as a member because despite the occassional bickering, the ultimate purpose of this club has always been fulfilled in my book....everytime I have needed help someone has always been there....that to me is invaluable and worth more than any discount. And yes I may be able to get that w/out paying $30 but the club does need cash to survive so I think I can easily sacrifice a night out to pay my dues even from guys have been great :up: .
Wow Man What A Surprise As For The Fish Getting To Cold I Have A Color You Can Have Get Those Heat Warming Things And Wrap It With Carbord And Tape It To The Top Of The Box That Is How The 2 Clowns I Got Came Andthey Came In Fine
lol...somehow i knew you'd be up to respond Victor....yeah surprised about the move too....figured it out a couple of weeks a good job opportunity down there so I am going to take it....

great idea on the cooler with heat warmers....won't get too hot?
how come you capitalize every first letter? thats alot of shift button presses? :D
If it were me i would keep all my drygoods and sell off the livestock, especially if you are moving other stuff at he same time. The logistics involved with something like your thinking is just not gonna work unless you really go out of your way to ensure it happens , which will cost alot of $$ and be a huge pain in the ***. Just start over when you get there. If you are really serious about doing it. Leave all your livestock here with a friend. You should go ahead and move down there "learn to speak spanish" get all settled in, setup your tank and let it cycle. Then have your "friend" send you all the livestock or drive all the way back up here, get it and drive all the way back. Thats the only feasible way IMO. Have fun in Miami. Be prepared to speak spanish "if you dont already" drive in worse traffic than here, and pay $7 to $8 for a beer at a bar or club. And your average 3 bedroom 2 car garage house is gonna run you in the ball park of about $450 grand. I moved from that area about 5 years ago and go back to visit about every 6 months. My parents sold an average house in 2001 for $190 grande. It resold last year for $420 !!! Good luck
sorry dont mean to sound neg in above post. Miami area is one of the best places overall IMO. Beaches, women, clubs, parties, weather, overall atmosphere cant be beat! Also Livestock down their is significantly cheaper than it is here for obvious reasons. Everytime i visit i go "Big Als aquarium" if you havent been you need to go! Its in Margate. Their fish prices are about half of what it is here. If the Dolphins didnt suck Miami would be even better!
this is how i would do it
1st get all fish and corals bagged up
2nd i would get a brute trash can and put lr and and water lest in tank in there make sure you have wheels and if useing a uhaul a lift to make life easier buy a cheak air stone pump pand run it all the way to miami .have another brute filled with water mix rady to go set tank back up using half water in lr and half clean keep other half and test par just in case you have to do an emergancy water change.good luck balla con dios
hey all thanks for the advice....chris...I actually lived in Miami all my i know all the horrors...and yes....the dolphins are oh so painful to watch....the traffic is worse, the clubs are seriuiously overpriced and spanish is the numebr one language...luckily im cuban so i might fit right in.

BUT.....SW reefkeeping is a whole lot cheaper!

as for the move....if i was going to sell the livestock I would just go ahead and sell everything I have...reason is that everything i have is good for a 30...if i was going to start from scratch I'd be starting with at least a 90 and would need more power on the drygoods than what I have now.

A couple of advantages I have:

1) I am hiring a mover so I wont have to have anything else in the car except my fish stuff....hopefully.

2) I have an SUV....

as for the LR in a brute, the brute ir probably too big but i was thinking LR can just go w/o water and just be kept moist.....Im figuring this because when LR is shipped to your house from say F&S it doesnt come with water.

As far as cycling goes, if i take about 20-25 gallons of the current water with me, leave the sandbed in the tank with a bit of the water.....then use that water to mostly fill the tank back up (fill the rest with new water), shouln't it technically already be cycled?

Dawg, thaks for the suggestion to get boxes at the LFS....I'll definitely do that if I decide to take this on.......

One last though that ioccciured to me as I was playing Call of Duty 4....what if I asked one of my buddies that works at a LFS to hold my Livestock for me while I got the tank back up and running?
or youo can take a cooler with lr and water cause if not stuff wil begin to die of and you will get an ammonia spike bad for fishies
I agree with Chris. If it was me I would sell everything and take the opportunity to upgrade to a larger tank once I got moved in. Moving is such a stressful event anyways with a lot of things that need to be done and or can go wrong. I don't think it would be worth the added stress of trying to keep everything alive and having to do everything in a near panic mode.
dont be a panzy take that stuff down there with you. Get some 5g buckets poke a hole in the top and throw an air stone in there to keep the water airated. One of those clowns you have from me made it up here from ft laudy on a plane and was in a bag of water for at leat 10 hrs with the whole trip. If you like what you have, give it a try! Just get some heat packs and place around the buckets, or put one in some zip lock bags and toss in the bucket. If there is a will, there is a way.

I have a bit of experience with this since I moved a tank from MI to here and have also shipped a fully stocked tank from here to Colorado.

There are two things you can do. You could leave all the live stock here with me or Lee. Have us put it in a tank and keep it alive, then come back up for it or pay to have it shipped to you (About $100-$150). While the live stock is kept up here, You have time to set back up the tank, check for any small cyce in the tank and get things ready for the fish and coral.

If that is not an option that you like, you could try to move all the livestock down with you in 5 gal buckets. You will need a few heaters, a few battery operated airstones, and alot of 5 gal buckets (firehouse subs has them for $2 each). You make yourself up pleanty of salt water with nothing in it to use when you get down there, then transfer the fish about 2 per bucket, move all the coral (I would still consider bagging the coral just to keep them from killing eachother), and start the drive. Make sure there is an airstone in each of the fish buckets. The tank should be the last thing on the truck and the first thing to be unpacked.
I say sell it all and go bigger when you get to Miami. Thats what I would do...if you have something super rare give it to someone here then have them ship it to you overnight after you get down there and setup.
I sat next to a guy at a frag swap that had a very nice cooler. It had racks built in for frags. It also had an airstone and a heater. All you need is an inverter to plug into your 12v outlet and then plug those into the should be able to handle those few items.

It's close enough, I say you take a chance and do it. You have enough corals that it will be a pain to get new ones if you are attached. I know I would not be happy to get rid of my nano-fish...we've been through too much together!

As far as water goes, just keep enough of the existing water to fill half the tank. You should be okay to mix the other half when you get there and let it mix for a few hours. Thats what I did when I moved my 55.

Regarding membership, I believe if you join a club down there we have a discount for our membership. You'll need to verify that with someone who knows more.
If you move 'em, take enough SW to make emergency changes if you need to while on the way, and make some calls--find an LFS near you in Miami and have some ready made saltwater waiting for you when you get there.
Xyzpdq0121;102266 wrote: There are two things you can do. You could leave all the live stock here with me or Lee. Have us put it in a tank and keep it alive, then come back up for it or pay to have it shipped to you

orrr better yet Brandon, lets say we're gonna keep it for him, sell it and then split the cash and spend it on our reefs :)
glxtrix;102332 wrote: orrr better yet Brandon, lets say we're gonna keep it for him, sell it and then split the cash and spend it on our reefs :)

DONE!!!! We can save him a few frags when we break up his corals!!! "I am sorry, that flower pot just did not make it!!!"
A few months ago I moved to Athens from RI, and I had a member of the local club hold all of my livestock while I took the live rock and sand in 5G buckets with battery air pumps. Everything survived, including all of the microfauna and even some zoanthids and bits of SPS that had encrusted onto the rocks. They spent about a week in that bucket. I then received all of the livestock via overnight mail. Worked out pretty well, gave me time to get the new tank set up and cycled etc. Best of luck.