Can someone help me with Aquascaping?


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Im not sure if anyone is up for it but can you come and help me aquascape my tank? I really dont like the look of it and Im not good at it. I have seen plenty picutres of peoples amazing aquascaping. Can someone help or explain how to make it look good?
Its an art... some people have the talent, some don't.
Unfortunately... I don't. lol
How big's your tank? I may be able to help...

Of course, if I set it up and you dislike it and rearrange it again in front of me, I'm gonna have to crack your tank. :)

I'll post of a pic of what I just did to my 29g to see if you like it.

I like what A. Calfo says about aquascaping, and that is to leave plenty of room between the rock and your tank walls (3" +/-) as well as plenty of holes in the rock work itself, i.e., don't just pile them densly (sp?) together.

The logic is to provide more water flow throughout your rockwork and tank and reduce the amount of detrius that will settle in "dead" spots.

As for the actual "art" of it... well, I can't claim any skill in that dept. :)
Oh my, I've aquascaped like 3 times in my 30 gallon long and still can't get it looking good. I might spend an hour stacking rock. Putting one here, one there, stepping away to see how I like it, and when I'm finished, it looks like someone just dumped 30 pounds of rock in the middle of my tank. My tank sits out in the room like a room divider, so it can be seen from 3 sides. I'm an artistic person otherwise, I'm just not good at the medium of rock. I'm up for any advice I can get, Thanks, Dakota
I called in Stevhan over at Fishy to "teach" me how to do it.... It was not cheap but I learned ALOT about the art form.

I normally agree with Matt and Calfo on aquascaping but anything under a 75gal is next to impossible to leave 3" on wach side and still have room for the rock. In tanks under a 75 gal, good water flow makes all the difference in the world.
For smaller tanks, I do let rocks sit against the back wall. It's not like laying bricks though. It is possible to leave tunnels and caves back there while maintaining a cool and functional look.
My wife actually helped me do mine. She does not "get" this hobby but came in one day and said that my tank was boring and that I needed to redo the rock work. So I stuck my hands in and she instructed me on where to place things.

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Darren, your wife has tallent!!! I have always loved your tank! BTW: how did the tattoos go?!?
Darren24;47811 wrote: My wife actually helped me do mine. She does not "get" this hobby but came in one day and said that my tank was boring and that I needed to redo the rock work. So I stuck my hands in and she instructed me on where to place things.

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I agree with brandon, and I have seen darren's tank in person, his wife and he put together a beautiful 'scape. Even if they didn't follow the gospel according to Calfo... ;)
Thanks guys. LD I am going to check out All or Nothing Saturday. They are having a big open house / party there.
I can't see to get great pics w/o a tripod... but here's what I ended up doing with my 29g. The tank will be a zoas and ricordia tank so I didn't pile the rocks too high in the tank for my vision.

Please feel free to critique it... one thing I kept in mind while doing this was that the whole thing will be covered by zoas at some point (hopefully) so it wasn't as important on how the rocks look today vs. the surface area it does have for mounting frags down the road.

I'm also probably going to be putting a frag rack on the right side at some point which is why it looks a bit plain there.

(also, the zoas in there are just place holders for now...)
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Here are some pictures of my tank.
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Nice rocks... here are some suggestions, feel free to take em or ignore them. :)

It seems like all of your rocks are kind of egg shaped, have a long side and you seem to line them all up the same way. To make it look different, don't be afraid to add some diagonals and point some forward. If the current pile doesn't get the effect you want, you can buy some lace dry rock or some rocks with sharp angles, caves, etc to add some different shapes into the tank.

If you combine the two ideas above, it won't look like a brick wall so much. :)
well no wonder your having trouble with aquascaping.... your tank is on sideways!!!