Can someone ID this?


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Just found this today in my 3gal pico.

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Definatly looks like an Aptasia anenome. I would get a hypodermic syringe and shoot it with some lemon juice. You do not want these to spread.
AHHHHHHH, KILLLLL ITTTTTT! ok nuff drama. Yeah I'ld do what bryan said and kill it, they can spread quick and can harm corals and some fish.
Maroons15 wrote: Definatly looks like an Aptasia anenome. I would get a hypodermic syringe and shoot it with some lemon juice. You do not want these to spread.

Thanks. Thats what i was thinking also.

So all i need to do is give it a little injection of lemon juice?
Thanks everyone for the quick responses. Tomorrow i'll pick up a hypodermic needle and see what kind of damage i can do.
Hopefully he will still be there....
All you have to do is boil some water and use a dropper / syringe to squirt it on that more aptasia :)
I tried that and it worked but then it came back a week later. I then used the Lemon Juice and no he didn't like it at all. lol
i bought a bunch of LR that had a ton of aiptasia by far the best thing to use is Joe's juice works way better then Lemon juice from my personal experience. Scrubbing the rock is not an option for you so just buy some Joe's juice they sell it at capp ($4 cheaper then the next store listed), FS&M, and probably a bunch of other places. Also the joe's juice comes with a syringe to use. Just apply a drop on the aiptasia and watch it melt infront of your face. Now Lemon juice worked amazingly well on a majano anemone but it did not work nearly as well for my aiptasia. just my 2cents