Can you cut live rock in the tank?

wantsummora acropora

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I want to remove part of a live rock from my tank but the structure is really too big to take out of the tank. Can I cut the live rock while it is still in a tank full of water and livestock? Also, what adhesive besides superglue can I use in the tank if I wanted to add to my scape?
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I would take the rock out and cut outside the tank. If you have a bucket with tank water to put it in you can remove it and take it out to make the cut(s) and put it back in the bucket to keep it wet.

Things like cement, E-Marco and epoxy in addition to superglue can work but it will have a hard time adhering to the wet rock. Epoxy will also make you skimmer go nuts for several hours. The more you use the worse it gets. Now that the rock is wet, the best bet for making attachments is drilling it and using cut pieces of driveway marker rods to hold it together. A masonry drill bit, a hammer drill and saw to cut the markers is all you need.
Agreed. While its possible, i cant think of any probable scenario to cut "in" the tank. I highly recommend removing the rock into a plastic bucket.
many pieces of aquarium rock can be "downsized" in the tank with a large, CLEAN, screwdriver.

Just did it the other day - fish around for a hole big enough for the screwdriver to fit into - twist and pry (no downward pressure - sideways! ) pieces will generally pop off without too much trouble - I just snapped of a chunk of rock with a few nice mushrooms on it and they were completely unphased. They never even had to come out of water.

It's not real precise - but since you say its impossible to get the rock out - it's a viable option I've used a few times.
I second that the screwdriver method works well. Make sure it is clean and limit time in tank. Just the twisting pressure typically works. Or remove the structure into a trough or large bucket and hammer and chisel or cut away as mentioned above. But do not do it in your tank. Too risky IMO.