Can you ID this?


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I have this rock that keeps popping up surprises for me. The last time it happened it gave me a plate coral like 8 or 9 months after it's been in my tank and people, I have never bought a plate coral for my tank.

I'm not sure if this is the same thing but I found it jammed in between a couple of rocks right now. It looks like it has the tentacles of linkia sea stars but I don't think it's an animal. Right now it's neon yellow or green. Do any of you know what it is? It's about the size of a zoa right now.
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that looks like something i have in my tank but mine is more of a clear see threw color hope you find out what it is to help me sovlve my mystery

hope it is a good thing too
I noticed something like this in my tank a few days ago. It's transparent and I can't tell if it's red or if it's sitting on some coraline that makes it look red. Has tentacles like the pic. I can't seem to get a good pic...a friend is going to try with his uber-camera tonight.

With my luck, it's something not good.
After looking at it again... It might be a long tentacle plate anemone... they do come in that vibrant green and when their small their stalks are pretty clear and have that ball at the end.
I had two of those (very similar looking) in my tank last week. Stevhan from Fishy Business came over and said they were majono anemones that were killing my five stars. He killed them for me.
I thought they were Majono's as well.....but was not sure....need better picture.
well it doesnt really look like a majono to me but I did once get a frag from you that a majono was on so I would imagine it very well could be one since some are in your tank.....btw i dont care that it had a majono on it i killed the sucker lol
Majano tenticles typically don't look like that. None of the ones I've ever seen have had tenticles that long with balls at the end of them.
That's why I did not offer it up..Because Majono's have thicker tentacles.
Here it is again: open, closed and for comparison, a majono
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What ever it is, I am not sure like it...Something doesn't look right about it...
Ya I agree with Todd, I do not know what it is but I am not sure that I like it!

I have been thinking about it all afternoon but I can not think of anything that is that transparant but also has vibrant color to it. My vote would be on some sort of anemone like Dofleinia</em> sp. or something in the family Actiniidae or Actinodendronidae but that is just a slightly educated guess there.