Canopy design ideas


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I'm looking for some ideas for a canopy build. I'll be building one for my 156Reef as well as my 120FW. Both will be black (and matching) so I don't need something too design intensive. I don't typically care for canopies that are super tall...
I'd appreciate all of your input and ofcourse pics are encouraged. I'm looking for something that looks good but also functional. I don't want to be required to take the entire canopy off to get in the tank etc.

Thanks for all your help!
Also, I'm open to suggestions of having someone build them for me if anyone knows someone that does good work for a reasonable price...
a mix of T5/VHO/MH on the 156 (packing them in tight) and a Coralife Fixture on the 120
Once you have the designs, I may want to jump in to get a new canopy for my 90
Sam was showing me his kick *** idea earlier today. An actuator to lift the canopy up off the tank. It was very trick. With that design, you could build a very slimline canopy that sits right on the tank. Flip a switch and you are into your tank doing stuff. Flip it again and down it goes. Light changes will be easy and as I said you could build a canopy that has just enough room for the reflectors.
You're lucky Tony. I haven't even had time to make my own post to show off my pics, but I thought I would show you what I was able to do.

I know you said you don't like the bigger canopies, but it really helps space wise when you want to get into the tank and also temp wise, so the hot air has a place to escape from and not build up directly over the water.

BTW, you couldn't pay me enough money to go through that process again. Probably took me about 2 1/2 - 3 wks from start to finish. But then again, I am extremely picky and anal about the way things are done.

Hope this helps some.
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Wow Mav, Nice job.. Want to consult on my Canopy that I am having to build to house my Halide lamps?!?
That canopy does look awesome. Mine looks more like a crazy wiring fest with bulbs crammed everywhere I could find space. I even want to cram a couple more fans in mine to keep everything cooled down for summer. Your sure makes me wish I had gone the clean and neat route.

Crazy pic for comparison:

I swear cameron, you are going to electricute yourself one of these days!!!

(When you do, can I have your clam?!?)
I juice myself from time to time. Usually it is installing someones car stereo and I hit a hot turn on wire so it isn't that bad, but occasionally I get a good YOUCH!

If I go via the electricity express, I am taking my fish (and clams) with me. It will be one glorious moment where the water boils and ultimately bursts us all into flames. I like to think of it as a mini viking send off.
Looks good Mitch... that's very close to what I'm thinking. My biggest concern is lifting the front end. Mine will only be 5ft but still seems like it may be a pain trying to lift and drop.

Cameron, I take it that's a 6' canopy? I plan on packing as much into mine as I can fit. May even run the MH's w/o reflectors to provide more space for T5/VHO.

Keep the pics coming guys...
Yeah mine is 6'. It also hinges like the other one listed, but mine isn't as wide at only 18". The actinics are on the hinged section. There are 4 LED arrays under the cabinet as well that you can't see.

If you are going to run without reflectors (which I thought about) you can pick up some mylar and coat the inside from top to bottom. It won't take up any space and you will get a good reflective surface. Not as effecient as a reflector, but certainly better than nothing or white paint.
You can see in one of my pics a black handle that I mounted to the inside of the canopy lid. I use this to close the canopy lid. It's very easy for me to open and close my lid and seeing as how it would only be 6" longer on each side, I wouldn't forsee any probs there. I also incorporated 4 triangles on the canopy lid for stability and ease of opening and closing the lid to prevent twisting.

Thanks for everyone's compliments, I appreciate it.

Brandon, let me know if you want some help. I'll be glad to offer whatever knowledge I have.

Cameron, your's looks good too. I like the color. I have a room behind my fish tank that I used to keep all my equipment in. So I ran all of the wiring into that room. This keeps me from having to worry about stuffing the ballasts into the canopy, so that freed up some room for me.

I also installed VHO's and moonlights in my canopy this past weekend. Once I get all of the wire in convoluted tubing, I will take some more pics.
Mitch, Sold, you should not have opened your mouth because now I am going to hold you to helping me. My better half has told me if I do not get a canopy on the tank in the next two weeks, she is throwing my Halides out the window. She wants it to match the old Canopy that came with the tank. (Ugh) I am not a wood worker by any frame of the imagination!
Maveri9720 wrote: I'll be glad to offer whatever <u>knowledge</em></u> I have.

Looks like you're still on your own Brandon... I don't think he was offering physical help:lol3:
I'll help, but no more painting. I am so sick of it. The bulk of the entire job was painting. I probably had it built in a day or two, but it took like 1 1/2 weeks to paint everything. Although, I did put 2 coats of primer and then 2 coats of paint on the inside. That's what really killed me. But it was worth it, b/c I just wipe the water off of it when I drip on it.

Another thing is that I sometimes get all wrapped up in a project. So I totally neglected everything around me to work on my canopy. Did that for about 2 1/2 wks. Long days and even longer nights. Alot of consequences from those actions, that I am still trying to catch up on now. Lost a couple fish too, b/c I neglected my QT and the params got too bad.

But let me know, I'll help where I can anyways though. I'd hate to see a good pair of MH's get tossed out the window.

Hmmmm, maybe I should just hang out in your yard and wait for the wife to toss them out..................:whistling:
LOL... I doubt the Halides will be in good shape when she beats me with them first!!!

I will shoot you a PM and incorporate the help into our current trade! ;) You helping me save my fingers from turning into fish food is worth anything you want!
Maveri9720 wrote: Cameron, your's looks good too. I like the color. I have a room behind my fish tank that I used to keep all my equipment in. So I ran all of the wiring into that room. This keeps me from having to worry about stuffing the ballasts into the canopy, so that freed up some room for me.
My ballasts used to be on a pedastal behind the tank as my tank sits 18" from the wall, but I got tired of untangling power wires and moving the ballasts whenever I took the canopy off. I figured I could splice in a disconnect or just mount them to the back of the canopy. It was easier to mount them to the canopy and it even freed up some room on the floor behind my tank. Now I just have to put on a relay to turn those actinics on/off when I lift the hood as they can be a bit blinding.