Canopy lift


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Sandy Springs
My next system will definitely have one of these...

<div class="gc_ifarem_title">YouTube - Aquarium Hood Lift</div><iframe style="width: 70%; height: 400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" src=""></iframe>

I'd build one on my current system, but it is backed up to the wall and there's no way I could fit one behind there now.

It would be so much nicer than having to wrestle a 6' canopy any time I want to get access to the tank.

For those of you who build stands for people, you should check this out. It looks like you could put a lift together for less than $200 or so in parts.
Nice idea!!! I wonder if it would be easy to make out of a few pulleys and a winch mechanism that you use for a boat trailer.... Aesthetically pleasing: no. Functionality: yes!
I check in to a few and nobody wanted to warranty them around saltwater. There are some actuators designed for harsh environment but they are much more costly. On any thing more than a 36" tank it would require either two of them or a stabilizing track to steady the canopy as it is lifted. I would be more than happy to install it on a build but would nor offer any warranty as of now. I may investigate again the upper end ones may have come down in price. Thanks for posting very large cool factor!

Edit: So far the only one I could find for use on a yacht was $590
Use one of these on each end of the canopy. They are only 1.75" square, so you could probably design it so that the actuators are completely covered, no exposure to salt.

MorganAtlanta;628571 wrote: Use one of these on each end of the canopy. They are only 1.75" square, so you could probably design it so that the actuators are completely covered, no exposure to salt."></a>[/QUOTE]
Sweet thanks for the link! I will research a dependable power supply.
MorganAtlanta;628571 wrote: Use one of these on each end of the canopy. They are only 1.75" square, so you could probably design it so that the actuators are completely covered, no exposure to salt."></a>[/QUOTE]

That's where I bought mine 6-7 years ago. They work flawlessly and are priced right. Their power supply did burn out on me, so I'd reccomend finding a better one.