Catching a mantis shrimp?

Derek_S;313957 wrote: I have a suspicion as to which rock he might be in. guess I should pull it, but it is my acan island, so that will be risky...

pull it, hold it over a bucket, and use a turkey baster or syringe to shoot freshwater in any holes. the acans will be just fine outside of water for a while, and if any freshwater gets splashed on them it shouldn't harm them. soda water or a brine solution would be risky though.
I am in the same boat. I have seen the pistol in my tank after using an extremly bright flashlight and searching every night. It is hold up in a rock. It is small 1" plus, Yellow in color, and a big o shooter. I hear the pistol every night. I can't keep small fish around 1" at all and I think it killed my peppermint shrimp.