check out what i picked up from work (pics)

wbholwell;61729 wrote: Bad polyp extension- but it could still be aclimating to your tank.

this was its first morning in the tank. i will keep you guys updated and i will let you know when and how i feed.
Nano_Reefer92;61732 wrote:
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that is what kinda looks bad but no offence ok just trying to point it out if it stays like that then you have to feed it more

it is a bit more purple than normal looking pictures but i dont think its that part. we will see how it looks in a day
Thekid55;61718 wrote: i have watched him in the tank at the store he has been doing fine without food. i belive it will be able to live and thrive in a tank when only feed once aweek. if i see any signs of it doing poorly i can just grab some DTs at work and feed him everyday.

Dendronephthya are slow to perish, and slower to thrive. To be a responsible reef keeper, you'll need to start researching your corals before you buy them. You had a week to consider your purchase, shouldn't this have been an important step?

And why wait for until you see it decline before you take action? It's much harder to bring a stressed coral back than it is to make it do well from the start. Get the DT's now and start feeding. Don't dose the whole tank, and if you want to feed several times a day, dilute it.

If you want to know what looks bad about it, compare it to these.
