Choc. chip star


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I just got in on the clam PB that Tim's offering. Was wondering--about my chocolate chip sea star--in that I saw on MD's website that it likes to consume inverts. like clams, snails, etc. Was curious if anyone else has them in their tank, and if so, have you had any trouble with them eating clams and other inverts? I know the blue linkia is more reef-safe, but I've had these guys from since I got started nearly two years ago. I also have a 100 gallon predator tank with Niger trigger, huma huma, red vol. lion, and a mystery wrasse that I could possibly put them in (if you guys think they would make it). Thanks,
I would not keep them together. My son took his Choc Chips out when he got corals. Not worth the risk. Everything I see says they are not reef safe...
do you think they would do ok with the other fish??? Or would they attack them??