Clam curious

from what i read - probably. however like everything just depends from the personality of your cbb.

i impulse bought a maxima last week...stupid, i know...and its probably not going to make it.
i'll chalk it up to user error - i couldn't find a spot on the rocks that it liked and it fell twice, the first time actually loosing is byssal thread clump (but they started growing back).

if/when i do another it'll probably be a derasa or blue squammy. these seem more forgiving.
there are a lot of threads where people do fine with these two and are still unable to keep maximas.
Raise this thread... from the dead! I also be clam curious.

After speaking with @FutureInterest this evening about redoing my tank... I realized that a clam was on my "never was able to keep it" list. Despite running halides, I never had automated dosing or ATO... forgiving LPS were the best that I kept back then - not to say I didn't try many things that I never should have!

Crazy enough, this thread is about a year old, which my DT is coming up on. I'm about to rip out a few rocks and completely redo my aquascape, and make some room. I run an "almost" DSB (about 3" deep) and I'd love to get a blue or teal Maxima or Derasa.

Tank is pretty stable and I'm growing a few sticks with ease. My tank is "dosed" with ESV phyto and Reef Roids daily with the reef chili I feed, but I've also got large pipettes to do some direct feeding. My 90Gal is 18" width so I think What else do y'all think I need to do to prep for a new clammy arrival?

And hey, maybe your tank is ready to go on this journey, too @Jeremey’s reef :)
I have a Derasa in the Waterbox as of now, he has been doing well so far I think I’ve had him for about a month now