Clams Move?


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Can clams move or did something else move my clam?

The part that is attached to the rock (byssal threads & stuff) shifted to the right about an inch. Just trying to figure this out.

This is my 2nd attempt at trying a clam. :( This one seems very happy and has nice extension. I've had it for one week.
yeah, they can move quite a bit. what type of clam? nothing to worry about.
yup they move, jump and squirt water at you! Like an anemone, they will move to where they feel comfortable, but they wont move as much as an anemone. Lots of light + lower flow = happy clam :)

Post some pics!!!!! If you can get a top down shot too, that will show the full color of the clam.
It's a derasa... the last clam was a blue crocea so I decided to try an easier clam this time.

lol Lee. I will get a pic, but it was taken right after the tank was cleaned so the extension isn't as good as it normally has been. Also top down pic isn't as pretty since it's a derasa.

Thanks for the help!
This clam moved right next to some mat growing polyps- they may be a type of GSP... so this will grow on the clam- do you think that's ok?

I remember seeing a clam at capbay that had a coral growing on the shell.
hmmmm....derasas dont "usually" anchor themselves with byssal threads. How big? if the GSP grow on it, no problems.
FTS of the nano
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jmaneyapanda wrote: hmmmm....derasas dont "usually" anchor themselves with byssal threads. How big? if the GSP grow on it, no problems.

well they might not be byssal threads... I'm not too scientific with this stuff, but the clam IS attached.... When I got it at capbay, it was attached there also. I placed it in the sand when a rock underneath so it could attach.

It's about 4" I guess....

I think there was already a thread on this, but do I HAVE to add food to the tank just for the clam? I know not to squirt food at your clam.... it's kinda like if I were to shove food down your throat!!
yeah, it is certainly a derasa, and it very well may be attached, dont be alarmed if it leaves a nasty chunk of tissue and ditches its byssal threads, its ok. personally, i dont recommend offering any "food" if you have fish that you feed in the tank. Even if you dont, i wouldnt really worry about the nitrogen and carbon uptake. People can and do give supplemental feedings, but personally, I think theyre unnecessary and risky. If your corals are doing fine, your clam should too.
agree with panda man, I have in the past fed the tank DT's only to later find some green hair algea starting to grow, then again that might be due to my skimmer not going strong enough. You should only really think about feeding clams when they are smaller than 3" but I've heard also that people just dont feed them. They will filter quite a bit out of the water. Only thing I feed my tank now is cyclopeeze and some mysis shrimp.
I have one fish and the only thing I feed it is frozen food. It's a snobby fish- flakes and pellets aren't good enuff. :tongue:

Thanks- I won't be feeding it. I have enuff of an algae issue and I don't need it to be worse.
plus another good thing is if you have algea on the glass, just scrape it off and when its released into the water column, the clam will take what it needs.
oh yeah- I always have yuckies floating when I clean the glass. The corals love that stuff!

Plenty of food in this tank!
Derasas have byssal attachments, but it usually extends into the sand and forms a clump of sand under the clam. My two had clods on them like a transplanted bush when I switched tanks. They will move off of rocks onto the substrate but may anchor a bit to the rock next to their patch of substrate. They should find a place they like and stay there unless water movement changes. They grow really fast, though, and you will probably see a corresponding rise in calcium usage and they'll shift some as they grow because of their relative position to the water flow.
Younger derasas do, in fact, secrete byssal threads, so you are correct. Once they mature, they more rely on their weight to hold them down in the sand. I have some squamosas which "wander about 3 to 4 inches every now and then, but my maximas are secure to the rocks.
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Nice clams..

The clam moved again today.. there isn't much room to move, so it pretty much did a 180.
nice, one of mine for awhile decided to always move up against the front glass, even after I'ld move it back cuz of glass cleaning time, still went right back all smooshed up against it.