Clean Up Crew


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<p style="text-align:left;">What is the best combination and number of critters in a CUC? I have a 50 gal (36x18x18) set up for about 9 months. What I have now is a couple hermits, a turbo and plenty of bristleworms. I'd like something to stir up the sand bed more. I've had my HA outbreak done and gone, so the turbo wouldn't stand any competition there. Thanks!
How about some nassarius snails (spelling). I have, I think, about 25 in my 75 gal. I am a heavy feeder so they assist in eating left over food and turning over sand bed.
I didn't realize that you had those fish. You may need advice from someone with experience with puffers, but I would say no. Since snails and small crabs are on there menu. But once again, I do not have personal experience with puffers. Sorry for giving you bad advice on a clean up crew for your particular fish.
Emerald crabs are pretty amazing. They hard hardy, eat almost anything, and are fun to watch in the tank and 100% reef safe from my experience.