Clean Up Crew


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Hey. I am looking to get a clean up crew for my 75 that's been cycling for 2 weeks. I was going to order from reef2go but thought I would check to see where everyone else go theirs from. I prefer to go local if possible. BTW is this too much for a 75:

<li>1 Lettuce Nudibranch</li>
<li>5 Nerite Snails</li>
<li>30 Nassarius Snails</li>
<li>20 Cerith Snails</li>
<li>10 XLG Cerith Snails</li>
<li>5 Turbo Snails</li>
<li>25 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs</li>
<li>5 Mexican Red Leg Hermit Crabs</li>
<li>2 Emerald Crabs</li>
I dont know to much about Nudibranch so cant say much about them. Do you have algae in the tank or at least fish. These guys will need food. Get it from what you feed the fish as well as any algae hanging around.

Some people also order from
LivingRoomOcean (ARC Member) just broke down a 210... He's in Mableton. He might still have some of what you're looking for. He had a lot.
Its not too many, I would avoid the nudibranch as its not going to do a whole heck of alot in comparison to other CUC members. 30 Nassarius is a little overkill unless u have alot of sand. Pure Reef regularly has package deals on CUCs, call them and see if they have any specials going :)
I would say too much. Get some and as your tank gets older you will need more. Creation reef normaly sells 10 for 12. I bought se nasurius snails on ebay
Thanks for the input. Glad I didn't place the order. My tank does have some algae just from the cycling stages. I was going to throw the clean up crew in first then a pair of clowns.