Clean up crew


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Is clean up crew the next thing after my tank cycles?

If so can you guys help me put one together that will have as much diversity as possible. If its not next what is??

I would like some hermits/snails/starfis/ "real" crab not hermit/ maybe a cucumber?

so i gusy names and how many of each for a 29 gallon FOWLR

THanks guys
Clean up crew in a tank after it cycles is just fine. Some people put some of the sturdier fish in to get things started others put the snails in.

I would go to and talk to Stevhan. He has several cleaner crew packages that are a great value with some of the best prices around. He can also help you pick out what you need.

If you go hermit, get the red leg variety as they are generally considered the least agressive. Snails you can pretty much do whatever you like. Sally lightfoots and emeralds are your safest non-hermit, but since you are FOWLR you can look at some of the more interesting crabs out there. I love some of the starfish that are not reef safe. The devil's starfish is awesome looking.
haha ok what about this? I just kinda picked out stuff and this may be something that is way off but just let me know.

5 astrea snail
5 blue legged hermits
1 emerald crab
1 serpant star
1 pepp. shrimp
1 donkey dung cuc

let me know if some of this stuff doesnt belong with the other.

Thanks guys
you couls use more snails and hermits. I would skeep the donkey cuc.

Depend on what fish you keep. Some will eat shirmp
so if i go with 10 hermits and 10 snails and skip the donkey cuc. the rest will be ok?

and fish like i said some clown fish and maybe a goby just minor cheap stuff i jsut wanted a saltwater tank with some sea creatures haha after i get this one going i will go for the bigger more advanced stuff.

plus i will always come here before i go buy more fish to find out what is compatible with my tank
i would go with red leg hermits if i were you blue legs might eat you snails and try to get some nasarius snails as well they a re good for your sand bed
10 red legged hermits
5 astria snails
5 nasarius snails
1 serpant star
1 emerald crab
1 pepp. shrimp

Does this one look ok?
10 red legged hermits
10 astria snails
10 nasarius snails
1 serpant star
1 emerald crab
1 pepp.
much better
25 hermits, 15 nasirius snails, 1 sall yight foot, 1 cleaner shrimp.. and 2 emaerald craps
chrisjet;52301 wrote: 25 hermits, 15 nasirius snails, 1 sall yight foot, 1 cleaner shrimp.. and 2 emaerald craps
i would agree but if im not mistaken the tank just finished cycling you dont want to overload it with that much life i would take it slow and cut down just a bit i added about 12 snails for my first clean up crew and sadly to say only about three made it threw so start slow and once you have a well established systm you can add your bigger crew plus he doesnt have any fish in there so the poor little guys ight go hungry trying to look for food jmho
yeah thats why i was just saying 10 crabs and 10 snails just because i dont have any fish at all yet.

thaks for helping me guys
How in the world do you get an "emerald crap'? Eat too much Lucky Charms or something?

Oh... I would just but the small or medium cleaner pack from fishy to start off. Great price and you can always add more later.