Cleaning crew for 12g nano?

8-10 blue leg crabs, cleaner shrimp would be cool. and 5 astreas and 5 turbos.:up:
I agree with Dustin, but I might swap out the turbos for ceriths (assuming you have sand.)
I agree with everything but the turbos, if you're speaking of the Mexican Turbo snails. Unless you've got a nutrient rich environment and resultant algae, 5 will starve in no time, though they'll get your tank squeaky clean before they do.

One turbo at most for a 12g and even then, it may eventually curl up and die for lack of food. I've had 2 die in my 25g tank after I bought them (one at a time) to clean algae. They are also severe buldozers of frags, frag plugs, clams, and just about anything else not nailed down.
Thanks, I have never attempted a tank this small so I wasn't sure what I needed. I just bought 10 pounds of live sand to help jump start bio filter. I can't wait to get this tank up and running.
i hear nga reef might be up in running again they should have a cheap clean up crew
mshady wrote: Thanks, I have never attempted a tank this small so I wasn't sure what I needed. I just bought 10 pounds of live sand to help jump start bio filter. I can't wait to get this tank up and running.

Hey now don't be hating on my ten gallon. Lol jk I can't wait to convert it to my 30 gallon. Whoa mushrooms won't stop growing!:up: