Clerkii HELP PLEASE!!!


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<span style="color: black;">Ok so I have 1 clarkii in my tank, I went to store and decided to buy another clarkii I got the smallest one they had. I dripped him for about 2 hrs and put him in the tank he went straight for the corner like I fig he would, the other clarkii paid him no mind until he started swimming in front of the tank, they started swimming around each other nipping at each others fins. So finally the old clarkii swims behind the rocks rarely comes out and if he does the other one runs him back in to the rocks. Now I put in a fish order about 2 weeks ago with a friend for 2 clerkiis I got them in the other day 2 small juveniles, did the same thing with them dripped for 2 hrs then put them in the tank. Keeping my eyes on the new clarkii he wasn’t as aggressive towards the 2 new small clarkiis as he is towards the old one. Is it because the color (see in link) the ones I bought are yellow and white stripes? I guess they haven’t matured yet, I need to-do something fast because the other clarkii looks like he is getting way too stressed out and I noticed this morning that someone’s been nipping at his tail fin. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!</span>
I'm surprised that the new clarkii instantly became the boss of the older, established one. Are you positive these are all clarkiis? Sometimes it's easy to mistake a seabae clownfish for a clarkii as their coloring is very similar.

I would definitely separate the stressed fish. You could put her in a critter keeper or hamster ball submerged in the display tank and see if the fish will adapt to each other with a safety barrier between them.
look at the link above thats a clarkii right ? now i know the ones i bought from the stores are clarkiis
I'm sorry -- wish I could help more, but I'm no clownfish expert.

You might message Mark (">flyingarmy</a>) and ask him, since he has several species of clowns in his system and at least one of them is (or was -- it may have passed away recently) a seabae.

You could also try posting an *ID needed* request at [IMG]"></a>. Usually questions are answered in a timely manner.

Good luck and I wish I had more info to share.

Please keep us posted on how this turns out.
