CLOSED: 2021 Halloween Photo Contest


My wennerae mantis

(Note: if you search this on google images you'll find it on the saltybottom website but this is my picture. I sent it and let them use it since I bought the mantis from them)
2nd chance at life... ( I know it's not a tank shot, but it's too cool not to share.) I lost count of how many horseshoe crabs I saved that day. They had been tangled up in kelp and tossed way up on the beach and were waiting to die i the sun. As I untangled their legs they would start struggling and when I took them back out they would get excited and really move them and then swim off... It was sad to see the ones who had already died on the beach but it felt good going home that day as you just knew you made a difference...


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As usual, there were a bunch of awesome submissions! And while many photos had a lot going for them, there was one photograph that stood out this month.

The winner of the October 2021 Invertebrate photo contest is @bg2311 for his pair of sexy shrimp! Please visit his posts above and give him and other's some loves/likes.


Other solid contenders were @sharis100 , @jmorgan315 , and @Betterwhereitswetter to name a few.
Thank you everyone for some beautiful photographs! Please, keep them coming. The November Contest is posted and ready for yall's input.
