CLOSED: Photo Contest - Cornbred Acro Prize

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GSP rock about 16" across, though sort of yellow. Started in a sump and slowly took over the whole rock. It's an island and provides a lot of movement in the tank. So long as it stays on the rock we'll be happy.

Thank you for your patience. Life is crazy these days, right!

I'd like to announce @hzheng33 as the winner for his stunning photo of his Torches. Contact me to stop by sometime and pick up your prize!


This contest was particularly difficult to choose. Not only are you guys submitting more photos, but we are getting a bunch of awesome ones too! Thank you guys for sharing wonderful photos of your tanks.

Honorable mentions to @dball711 @jwils27 @mrmrburke @phishfoodie and bunch more of yall. Keep up the good work!
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