cloudy eye help

grouper therapy

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I have a gold spot rabbit fish that has had the cloudy eye for 6 months or more. He is extremely fat and appears healthy besides this issue. Isn't it a bacterial infection and how would I treat it??
what does cloudy eye look like....i have a blue sided wrasse that looks like it has a tealish coat over his pupil...looks cool but have been wanderin what it is...can you post a pic or too hard?" alt="" />

He is the one in the center not a good pic but you can see the white over his eyes and it is on both eyes
sailfish;351267 wrote: Could it be a fluke? I doubt it if he has had it that long.

I'm not sure. He spends most of the day with his head half out of the water. It is in both eyes as well. i am going to post over at RC also and ssee what some of those guys say.
atreyu917;351358 wrote: If I remember right, the rabbitfish Loren sold had it too. I've seen it on other foxfaces as well.
For some reason they seem to be prone to it.
PM works to find me - I can't read *every* post ;)

Looks like a cataract to me. Esp. if he's had it 6 months or more. If it was trematodes (aka flukes), they'd have spread on this fish and others would have them too.

If it ain't broke don't fix it - after 6 months if he's otherwise eating and behaving normally - let it be.

My old one-eyed wonder, Bruce the Batfish had a cataract on his remaining eye - and it didn't seem to impair him at all.

Seachem Kanaplex and Focus mixed 1:1:1 (1measure:1measure:1tablespoon) with frozen mysis should treat it easily without hurting anything in your DT. Make sure to feed several days past the symptoms clearing up.

Focus helps the medication stick to the food.