Clown fish demostic dispute


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I have a pretty big Heteractis Magnific. But somehow the male Tomato clow don't like the female in the thing with him.The clowns are new, could that be why? Should I get another Magnifica Anemone??
Usually it is the other way around the Female (the bigger one) won't let the Male (smaller one) in the anemone. Since they are new, I would let them work it out... I assume they are not a mated pair prior to being in your tank so they have to work out the "ground rules" just like any of us do when we move in with a new chick. "Ummm, no you can not leave your toothbrush here!" "You left the seat up and I fell in the toilet in the middle of the night!" You know, the normal things.

If they are not physically hurting eachother, I would let them see how they work things out. (Or take the anemone away, let them work it out where they do not have anything to fight over, and then put the anemone back.
I think some of the tomato complex clowns are closer in size difference between male and female than with percs, ocs, and maroons, but the female should still be the one in charge! :)

Don't be alarmed by this behavior, at least the male still has his fins! My female A. Ocellaris only occasionally allows the male into "her" BTA. I think he's under the impression that he's all she's got to choose from, but the female still wants to make sure he's okay... :) (there, I'm done anthropomorphising my fish... for now)
How sure are you that you have a magnifica anemone? These aren't very common and are VERY VERY difficult to keep. I certainly wouldn't recommend one, nop less two, unless you really know what you are doing and have a ton of light for them. Bubble tips are a much better alternative for tomatos.