clown fish new to anemone question/concern


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i have a gbta and my female clown noticed it for the first time tonight...i got a pair of these black and white clowns from Bud awhile back and to my knowledge this is the first time theyve even seen an anemone...the nem has been in the tank for 3 days but as soon as she saw it tonight she went nuts and began swimming all in in, layign in it..rubbing herself all over it...after about 3 hrs of this (hard to see cause the lights are out) i notice she has some discoloration where there is more orange around her face and back now (i assume this is from the nem)...should i be concerned about clowns have to build up tolerance...she comes out every now and then but sometimes shes almost laying in it and its half closed because the lights are out and it appears like shes being eaten then she moves lol..just curious about the discoloration after being in the nem
While I've not heard "about the discoloration after being in the nem" before, I do not think that it is anything to be concerned about.

I'm delighted to see captive bred clownfishes taking to anemones.

It sometimes takes such clowns a few hours to a few weeks to recognize that they can "host" in an anemone. But once they do, as you've witnessed, they become inseparable. Enjoy!
I'd talk to Bud. Sounds like the shoe polish is rubbing off his fish! LOL... j/k

The color issue... I don't really know much about. I have seen some black clowns show tinges or orange or patches of orange. It could possibly be that it's coming out due to irritation, but I don't really know.

As for the pairing with the nem, be happy with that. My clowns were hosted by a very unwilling LPS coral colony for almost 2 years, completely ignoring the RBTA in the tank. Then 2 weeks ago I accidentally knocked down this colony while doing a water change. I mounted it elsewhere in the tank and the clowns instantly went for the RBTA. It's very cool to see them in it.
well they are both still alive this monring..the male still hasnt gone in yet though

Edit: but yes i love that theres this little relationship going on in there now...with the lights out i cant tell how mcuh orange there is now but it was definately showing through the black last night...she sems so happy though...squirming all over the place..sometimes she will stop and lay down like shes soaking in a bathtub lol
Jeff, I use permanent markers to color them so it shouldn't be rubbing off. :lol2:Some Black & Whites retain some orangish color, especially in the face, which sticks out more in some lighting. This is really cool and fun to watch once they find the anemone. I'm sure the male will join the female in time.

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Budsreef;683065 wrote: Jeff, I use permanent markers to color them so it shouldn't be rubbing off. :lol2:Some Black & Whites retain some orangish color, especially in the face, which sticks out more in some lighting. This is really cool and fun to watch once they find the anemone. I'm sure the male will join the female in time.

Post a picture!
yeah i hope he joins in...the femal has always kept a little orange in the face while the male is mostly black...and like i said it was dark and i could barely see but the orange that was showing through was on her side near her dorsal fin and this only appeared after she went crazy in the anemone for the first time last night...ill try and take pictures when i get home and the lights are on...she seems healthy this morning though, taking turns swimming next to the male and diving into the anemone like it is a slip-n-slide