Clown fish sick?

Steve Burton

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He's been laying here all day, never saw him in this spot before, never came out to eat. This evening noticed every once in a while he kicked up a little storm cloud. No visible signs of disease that i can tell, think he is sick? The much larger clown seems fine and is feeding, shrimp, crabs 20181113_190025.jpg1542155978537151320211171594221.jpgand snails all seem fine. I did have an unexplained loss of a juvenile Yellow Eye Cole Tang a week ago, I'd had him six months, transferred to this tank three months ago. Ammonia <.2, Nitrate @2, Nitrate 0, Salinity 1.026, Temp 77.9, pH 8.1. Anything you can suggest I do? Im preparing a hospital tank with fresh saltwaterwhile awaiting advice, thanks
Looks like a case of velvet, at least it seems that is what has appeared on the last remaining fish, the clown I've had for a year and a half, he was 8 when I got him. I suspect it killed the Cole Tang and young clown before the disease became apparent on the skin. Surprising though considering they all went through quarantine together, 4 1/2 months ago, a week of Prazipro, then two weeks of Coppersafe with a simultaneous second treatment of Prazi. They were the only three fish ever introduced, last things added were 2 bubble tip anemones in early July. Looks like the fish I have in quarantine now will have an extended stay. Any advice on how long to leave the tank fishless?
Was able to catch the mature clown today, hoping it's not too late. Pretty much covered in velvet, and breathing heavy. Had to put him directly into the quarantine tank that is already at full copper level, which will be quite a shock, if he makes it I'll be surprised but I have hope.