Clown Opinions Sought....

toccoa fish man

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So I have a pretty little Percula clown in the tank I just got last month. It is solo, and I've had a couple of thoughts.....

1) A local pet store with a guy who knows what he is doing with saltwater is trying to re-home a maroon clown that is 6-7 inches long. It is ENORMOUS (like bream size) and the biggest clown I've ever seen, bar none.

I know that being damsels, that clowns will not tolerate each other, so the Percula would have to go. Would you guys make the swap? I don't know much about maroons....aggressive to other fish? Will they host in anemone if I get a large one the way perculas do?

2) Is it possible to play 'dating game' and introduce a smaller percula to the one in the tank or will that not work? I either want a mated pair or a giant as much as I like the little guy I have now....
From my experience the maroons were instant in being hosted by anemones. My ocellaris took a little longer but now will enter any anemone i add almost instantly. Its not the norm but my maroon seemed to be more accepting of other fish around her than my ocellaris. I love the big maroons but depending on how large your tank is the bigger fish just make the tank appear smaller. My ocellaris were together for over 1.5 years and one day she turned on him and ran him off, later killed him(speculation-i found him dead under her hangout a week after she ran him off. He tried to return multiple times with no luck). I bought her a teeny clown and they are doing well together for now. Really just boils down to how much you like your percula vs the maroon.
I would never add a maroon clownfish. IMO, they are way too aggressive and there are other fish that I would much rather have. I also don't think they are that attractive.
Toccoa Fish Man;1000760 wrote: So I have a pretty little Percula clown in the tank I just got last month. It is solo, and I've had a couple of thoughts.....

1) A local pet store with a guy who knows what he is doing with saltwater is trying to re-home a maroon clown that is 6-7 inches long. It is ENORMOUS (like bream size) and the biggest clown I've ever seen, bar none.

I know that being damsels, that clowns will not tolerate each other, so the Percula would have to go. Would you guys make the swap? I don't know much about maroons....aggressive to other fish? Will they host in anemone if I get a large one the way perculas do?

2) Is it possible to play 'dating game' and introduce a smaller percula to the one in the tank or will that not work? I either want a mated pair or a giant as much as I like the little guy I have now....

This guy knows what he's doing which is why he's trying to get rid of the fish. As Stacy says, Id stay away... Those guys will draw blood on your hand. Lol
stacy22;1000783 wrote: I would never add a maroon clownfish. IMO, they are way too aggressive and there are other fish that I would much rather have. I also don't think they are that attractive.

They're cute until they get bigger, otherwise I agree lol!
stacy22;1000783 wrote: they are way too aggressive

+1 Probably the most aggressive clown there is. The hardest clown to pair as well, so if you wanted to ultimately own a pair of clowns - you'd be starting in the most difficult position you could put yourself in.
JJ Ocean;1000800 wrote: +1 Probably the most aggressive clown there is. The hardest clown to pair as well, so if you wanted to ultimately own a pair of clowns - you'd be starting in the most difficult position you could put yourself in.

What he and Stacy said.
Y'all should start a club.... He Man Maroon Haters Club ! Poor Maroon. In realty they can be aggressive but not all. Keep in mind aggression is less in the fish and more in the situation. Problem is almost every situation pisses off adult maroons. Having said that just because the animal is docile there doesn't auto translate to your aquarium. Buyer beware :)

Fwiw I will join said club. I like and continue to strive from a conflict free Maroon tank. Currently housing a pair of juvi Goldnuggets... Don't jinx me!
Does Stacy need to remind Jesse that she's a "she" not a "he"? :)
HAHAHA - Stacy, you must be too young to understand Jesse's reference! Unfortunately I'm ancient enough to have caught it right away. Has nothing to do with you in particular.

Toccoa, how big is your tank?

I'd mostly agree with about everything said above about Maroons, and Jesse I'll be waiting for my membership card in the He Man Maroon Haters' Club ;) I already know the secret handshake.

I think ONCE in all my years, I've seen one huge female Maroon that was actually friendly and gentle. ONCE out of hundreds. They're evil.

Stacy ... here's the reference: <!-- gcu-updated ame --><!-- gcu-updated /ame --> Enjoy!

JennM;1000940 wrote: HAHAHA - Stacy, you must be too young to understand Jesse's reference! Unfortunately I'm ancient enough to have caught it right away. Has nothing to do with you in particular.

Toccoa, how big is your tank?

I'd mostly agree with about everything said above about Maroons, and Jesse I'll be waiting for my membership card in the He Man Maroon Haters' Club ;) I already know the secret handshake.

I think ONCE in all my years, I've seen one huge female Maroon that was actually friendly and gentle. ONCE out of hundreds. They're evil.

Stacy ... here's the reference:"></a> Enjoy!


Jenn, "He-Man" portion came from the wildly popular movie and main character "He-Man Master of the Universe" correct?
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RedStang;1000791 wrote: They're cute until they get bigger, otherwise I agree lol!
Panther Groupers are the same. My opinion on a Panther Grouper; very beautiful when they are small. Same color pattern when they are big. Only thing is; how big they can get. Many people bring the little ones home for their color pattern; then they find out how big those little pretty things can grow. Kinda reminds me of how some of the bigger clowns can be.

Jesse - uh... I got nothing for that ;)

Groupers swallow stuff... whole. I had a 2' Panther Grouper. He wasn't anywhere near as mean as an angry female Maroon. Don't insult groupers like that :)

Jenn, it isn't a secret handshake. It is "The High Sign". Don't you know anything???? :)
Although I've never owned a Panther (Grouper that is); I've always been a big fan of them. I'm not aware of their personality, I do know that are pigs :D when it comes to dinner time. I believe them to be aggressive; as you have stated they eat their prey in one swallow. They, the panther groupers, engulf their meal with one scoop.

My comparison; the two fish, a maroon clown and panther grouper and must adored when they are young. Wait awhile; and many owners are ready to get rid of either one because their true colors come out. One may be the bully of the neighborhood, while the other becomes the king of the country -- by brute force of course.

It's been a few years since I've been to the Georgia Aquarium. I don't remember if they had a panther grouper. It would be nice to see a panther on the prowl in an aquarium.


P.S. That could be a possible ARC meeting in the future, reef compatibility. You could call the ARC meeting -- "Keeping the peace within a reef tank." :yay:
rdnelson99;1001009 wrote: Jenn, it isn't a secret handshake. It is "The High Sign". Don't you know anything???? :)

Oh my gosh you're right... but there's a handshake too for the fish part of the club ;)

Knuckles under my chin, waving my fingers your way. :)
I'm going to be the contrarian on this. I think Gold-striped Maroons are one the prettiest fish to have. Yes they can be aggressive but that is not necessarily a bad thing. However having said that, if it was me I would keep the one you have and add a second one for the pair. Just make sure you get the second one from a tank that has several young ones and do not take the biggest. It should also be smaller than the one you already have.