Clown taking to Frogspawn????


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I have two Oscellaris clowns and the last couple of days I have noticed that one of them has beem swimming in and out of my frogspawn alot.....tonight I was watchig the tank and sure enough he was just sitting in for a few minutes at a time and the he would swim around.....

The weird part is that evry time he swims out he has these weird little seizures for about 3 minutes or so.....he'll shake and then stop, swim and then a few seconds later he'll shake again.......this goes on for aout 3 minutes....until he gets back in the frogspawn.....then it's back to step one.

does this sound normal to anyone? is he getting used to the sting?
maybe hes just doing a little dance because hes happy.;)

mine host in my frogspawn and had black spots when they first started. i don't think they have to get use to it. mine have always seemed right at home. i do, on the other hand, have a pretty aggressive clown that was beating the frogspawn to death. i had to remove the clown .
yup very possible....clowns will host to anything, even powerheads! Which one is jittering, the smaller one? or the one that we put in your tank most recently. If the other clown is around, thats a subdominance thing, my male maroon does that all the time to the female. If the clown does that by itslef, it could still be a "ownership" to that coral, kinda like when clowns suck on the tips of anemones. Sure am glad they are taking to something, they were very sad when the toadstool died :(
glxtrix;62519 wrote: yup very possible....clowns will host to anything, even powerheads! Which one is jittering, the smaller one? or the one that we put in your tank most recently. If the other clown is around, thats a subdominance thing, my male maroon does that all the time to the female. If the clown does that by itslef, it could still be a "ownership" to that coral, kinda like when clowns suck on the tips of anemones. Sure am glad they are taking to something, they were very sad when the toadstool died :(

yeah he definitely does it more when the otherone is around....he has gotten his butt kicked a few times so maybe he is shivering in fear like you do around me.
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! oh man, thats a good one. Heh, but seriously tho thats just the male showing subdominace to the female.

My pair of O. Clowns are hosting in a frogspawn... they moved out of the hammer; I guess they thought the frogspawn was prettier.
Mine used to, my frogspawn started getting irritated so I moved it, then they took up residence in my hammer with similar results, it got moved... Now they are in my large open brain! He dosent seem to mind.
I also have 3 rbta's in tank, one is close to the brain, silly clowns show no interest...
kinda the same to me, had an anemone in the tank and the clowns took to a toadstool.....I guess its kinda the same, just without the sting??? lol, silly clowns.
I have a Black Clown that likes to host in my Alveopora. He definitely enjoys it, not for sure that the Alveopora does though!
I didnt think that false percs took to anything since they were tank raised...I guess they neber lose that natural instinct afterall..
They will host in anything they can find....Mine have been in my frogspawn for 3 years
my false percs host in my goniopora. it doesnt seem to mind too much. ive had one host in a frogspawn before, but it was a different clown and a different tank. it also seemed to suck on the tip of the frogspawn's polyps. as far as the dance goes, i have heard that clowns need to get "stung" a few times before they become immune to a particular anemone, but i am not sure about this.