Clownfish aggression?


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I recently purchased 2 clownfish and one is about half an inch bigger than the other I’ve had them for about a week now and whenever I feed them the smaller one backs away from the food and the larger one will sometimes attack the smaller one. Will the settle down over time? They’re both ocellaris with one a Wyoming white and the smaller a snowflake
The bigger fish is the female (dominant), she is establishing her dominance in the relationship. The smaller fish is make (submissive), he will take the aggression in order to become a mate. It’s quite normal behavior and won’t last too long.

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That is the most likely scenario - but I would keep an eye on them until they really get it all sorted out. Our maroon clowns were mostly OK in the same tank for about a month - then all bets were off and they needed to be separated. One was submitting but the other wasn't having it and wouldn't stop attacking.
I took a pair from a fellow ARC member, they had been together 6 years, they were the first two in my 60 gallon. They were fine for a couple weeks, but when I added a yellow eye Kole Tang the larger clown fell in love with it and she killed the other clown. When I discovered the abuse I separated them but it was too late for the little guy.
Clowns can be jerks. I often forget that they are in the damselfish family... that is until they attack my hand :p
I've gotten them to at least respect my hand... by flicking them with a finger when they get close. I did this repeatedly and even thunked them pretty soundly a few times. After that they kept their respective distance from me... but... these buggers are smart. When my hands are holding something and otherwise occupied they will still attack and go for the back of the hand. An open hand though they will leave alone... :p
I’ve tried flicking him, catching him, cussing at him, nothing works. If I could get him out I’d put him in my frag tank. He’s a third wheel in the relationship anyway.

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So far I've been lucky with my hands. knock on wood.
But my Female Blue Throat Trigger has started to aggressively defend the area around her den. She nips at anything that gets within about 6-10" but at least she pops her jaws as a warning first. I know she can take a chunk of meat with a bite.
I’ve tried flicking him, catching him, cussing at him, nothing works. If I could get him out I’d put him in my frag tank. He’s a third wheel in the relationship anyway.

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It took a lot of flicking to get them to respect the hand. I mean not just waiting for them to attack but actively hunting them with the finger ready to flick... :p They have to fear you a bit to leave you alone.

Seems cruel but I was tired of getting attacked... I'm 200 lbs and these lil 10 gram fish would choose the most surprising moments to unleash their fury. I've dropped so many frags to their detriment due to these guys :p
Watching my female clown dominating my male was rough to watch. He was all beat up before they finally made amends. Now they are two peas in a pod. They went through this twice but haven't fought since I added the last fish to my tank.