Clownfish bullying


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Hey any advice how to stop my clown fish bullying my other one? They been together like for a month but now the smaller is beating the other one I currently have it in a breeder box,any other suggestion?

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I think one will have to become either male or female for them to stop fighting if they are roughly about the same size and both of them are the same sex the only way they will stop is this one submits and turns into the opposite
Two males will fight, fight, fight until one of them dies or the dominant one turns into a female. Females are always bigger. Keeping them apart is a good call so the larger one can get a break (a hopefully switch teams if you know what I mean.)
Photos looks like my old tank- same fish, same coral, same breeder box and even same shape of rockwork..
I won't worry too much if you put them in together. One will dominate eventually and they will get paired their after. I had one with his wife jumped tank, dominated over a newer but smaller mate and became the husband, and was breeding.
Random fact when I put the new clown in (which I intentionally got a smaller one) the smaller new one was in the box for a while. There was some "aggression" but they mated quickly.
Some aggression is normal, which is how they decide their gender, interfere only when it gets really bad.