Clownfish Harem


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Tucker, GA
Has anyone in ARC have any experience with a Clownfish Harem Tank? Ive watched the BRS videos on it but wanted to see if anyone here has done it.
I set one up in Chicago just before I left. But I didn’t follow its progress past a couple months.
I’ll shoot my friend a msg, and see if I can get an update on it! However, my friend is horrible about responding over the phone... 99% of the time, he’s best in-person. Lol
However, I’ve been planning a clown harem tank for myself for quite a while, and will likely begin within the next 3 years.

My vision was for a variety of designer, swimming in an 80g cube nem tank of various BTAs with flower nems on the sandbed. Unfortunately, many varieties of BTAs don’t mix well with each other. For example; if you mix a Rainbow and a Sunburst, the Sunburst will almost always die within 1-10 days. We lost about 20 Sunbursts (with nems from different lineages) this way in Chicago; it sucks. And I have a few friends with similar experience (losing 10+ sunbursts in attempt to mix them). I don’t know how they could afford to keep buying them; too rich for my blood.

However, after my Sunburst split, and I had no additional tanks without Rainbows, I decided to risk it in my Nano. Low and behold, mine not only survived, but actually out-strengthens the Rainbows. Since then, it’s split a few times, so I now have 4. The recent split actually changed color slightly from yellow to a vivid orange.

I’m definitely excited to see what experience people have to offer here!
Yeah ive been thinking about it. But im not ready just yet. I have a Innovative Marine Nuvo 40 Gal AIO. How many clowns would you suggest?
The clown harem in Chicago was in an 80g tall tank with about a 24”x24” footprint. Running Radions and Vortech (MP20? I think). I forget what nems they threw in there, I think Rainbow BTAs. And about 20 different designer Occys (I picked them out); including an Extreme Davinci, Midnight, Snowflake, and all the standard varieties.
The challenge with harem tanks is you need a lot of clowns to spread out the aggression. I think 20 is a good number, but I’m not sure if that would be too much for a 40g... it’s hard to say. I would be cautious at going under 12 clowns.