Clownfish help

dylan ringwood

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Ok so I got home from being from out of town and so I go to the tank first.. (of course) and start feeding and doing a little maintenance thinking everything looks pretty good and then I realize my clown has what looks like the best way I can describe pale almost white lips like a pigment loss don't see any bumps or anything or fungus looking. Tough to get a good pic of it anyone have an idea with what was mentioned above. Ate normal aswell thanks again
Did anyone feed them while you were away?

Regardless, my only </em>guess is that he was nipping at the rock and/or glass and chapped his lips.
Mine have done that a time or two and healed without any special attention.
Yeah someone fed them while I was gone but tony.. you no that no one feeds them like the owner.. hahaha and I figured they were just chapped or something but wanted to make sure
Most likely a "scratch" or "bruise". My YWG got a white lower lip diving into the bottom of the bag while acclimating. Could just be that something tasty got stuck in the rock work and it kept trying to get it.
How old is it? If there is a mate in there, could of been cleaning rocks for her to lay. Just a thought.
Not sure I've personally had them for around 4 months and this makes me feel better &#128513;
merkywater;1000817 wrote: How old are they Dylan?
Not sure merkywater I've had them personally for over 4 months I bought them from reef shac and never asked that question. I guess rookie mistake?
Dylan Ringwood;1000848 wrote: Not sure merkywater I've had them personally for over 4 months I bought them from reef shac and never asked that question. I guess rookie mistake?

Not really. I might ask how long they have had a fish but I don't really expect them to know how old it is.

Is it a basic occelaris? How big is it?
Picture would be helpful. I had clowns breed regularly and they scraped surfaces with their teeth but never had lip damage.

Have they laid eggs? They usually only scrape immediately before they lay eggs.

JennM;1000921 wrote: Picture would be helpful. I had clowns breed regularly and they scraped surfaces with their teeth but never had lip damage.

Have they laid eggs? They usually only scrape immediately before they lay eggs.

alt="" /> this is the best I could do definitely was not wanting to take a picture. . Bad hair day I guess
Any sloughing of skin, velvety look to the skin, or anything else like that?

Is that the only clown or do you have a pair?
JennM;1000933 wrote: Any sloughing of skin, velvety look to the skin, or anything else like that?

Is that the only clown or do you have a pair?
alt="" /> this maybe a little better and there is another snowflake in there doesn't look like any texture that I can see
Pic isn't showing me much. Need a close-up ... try taking a close up video it's easier. Which one is that? Larger or smaller? And what is the other one doing? Is it staying close to one spot all the time?
Yeah its the smaller one the other hangs around the brain and nips at me when I go near like to feed it. I'll try a video
JennM;1000948 wrote: Pic isn't showing me much. Need a close-up ... try taking a close up video it's easier. Which one is that? Larger or smaller? And what is the other one doing? Is it staying close to one spot all the time?
a> see if that's any better
Need something with normal daylight - too much blue in there it skews everything.

So it's the male (smaller one), yes?

That rules out scraping rocks for nesting, because if they'd laid a clutch of eggs, he'd be tending them and the female would be out guarding the perimeter.

I can't tell until there's a clearer photo or video without all the blue distortion, sorry.

It is the smaller one I'll get one asap, and no need to apologize your the one helping me so thank you

I just had the same thing in another thread. Picture is so blue...

Hard to identify crud with all the blue nowadays :)