
linda lee

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Gotta be coincidence...

I've had a beta in beta bowl on the bar above my kitchen sink for over two years. Pretty little dark burgundy fish that would come to the front of the bowl to be fed and never *complained* about anything. When the SW hobby came along, he was often forgotten for days at a time until someone noticed his shallow, cloudy water and came to his aid. He's always seemed perfectly content in his little world.

We put a 2g mini-bow containing a mantis shrimp next to the beta bowl.

Sometime during the night last night, the beta jumped.


I think we should report you to the police animal activists for fish torture!!! JK!
he jumped in the mantis tank or just jumped out of his bowl to the floor?

cause that would be crazy if he jumped into the mantis tank
Mantis probably saw him and popped his glass/acrylic and it scared the beta into jumping.
Fish probably freaked out when he saw the mantis looking at back him with those "i'm going to eat you" eyes. I think it would probably be like looking out your kitchen window and seeing a 14-foot mantis looking back at you -- who wouldn't want to get in the car and drive away?

Reminds me of a story about a fw crayfish that someone had. The owner thought it would be cool to get one of those air-powered plastic crocodiles with the jaws that open and close. The owner thought it was funny to see the crayfish freak out when he put it in, but then it died a few hours a later of stress (the crayfish, not the plastic crocodile). It seems like there is a lot more going on in their little heads than we give them credit for -- how was the crayfish to know that those big crocodile jaws wouldn't be closing on him next?

There was also a tiger exhibit in a zoo where the zoo painted a huge (6 foot tall) tiger head at one end of the tiger exhibit, then the tigers started freaking out -- eyes open wide, panting heavily. Apparently they thought a 40+ foot long tiger was coming to kick all their tails.

Was it a peacock mantis? Those things are really pretty.