Convert DE MH fixture to SE


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Anyone ever do this?

I have 2 250w MH fixtures so I can experiment on one of them. Main reason is Radium doesn't make a 250w DE bulb. Seems fairly simple to me which is why I'm asking because I've been guilty of oversimplifying something before...

I realize the reflector may not be ideal but I think it might be worth a shot. Should be able to pull out both DE end pieces and replace one with a SE socket. Reroute the fixture's internal wiring and be good to go right? Are the ballasts different? Is a SE bulb significantly larger in any way?

Bulb is much bigger....sound like a lot of work....would be easier to supplement with LED or T5 to get the color you are looking for.
You can reuse the power cord, and all you really need is the SE base and the bulb. A Radium 250 SE bulb is maybe 7" long. Main issue for you would be securely fastening it in the reflector so it is centered. And it really is important the bulb be secure, as you know how hot these bulbs burn. Ballasts would be the same.

That being said, used LM Elite SE fixtures are still pretty cheap if you look around.
Acroholic;994955 wrote: You can reuse the power cord, and all you really need is the SE base and the bulb. A Radium 250 SE bulb is maybe 7" long. Main issue for you would be securely fastening it in the reflector so it is centered. And it really is important the bulb be secure, as you know how hot these bulbs burn. Ballasts would be the same.

That being said, used LM Elite SE fixtures are still pretty cheap if you look around.

Thanks guys.

I actually have 3 fixtures that I'm not currently using. A socket is cheap and a bulb is a bulb. The MH will actually be used to supplement a Kessil A360W. I figure for $10-$15 plus a bulb it may be worth a shot. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something major. FWIW, I'm completely new to MH. So don't assume anything lol! But yeah, I knew they got hot :).