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hello everyone i'm new to atlanta reef club and 8mths. new to reef tanks. I have a 75 gal tank with lots of live rock and i just bought a mandarian goby and i'm afraid i do not have enough copods to feed this guy,, does anyone know where i can buy copods locally?
You probably already have them.. Take out a stirred up sample of sand, put in a white plate, and look at about a teaspoon of it in a white plate.. I bet you'll be supprised what you see under a magnifiying glass.. I know I was supprised at all the simple creatures swimming around. If you don't see them then get a sample of sand or cheato that does have them.
WAIT!!! In order to keep mandarins you need to have a place for the pods to reproduce away from predators (refugium). If you put a mandarin in a 75 fully stocked with pods, it will eat all of the pods and eventually starve to death. These fish are very delicate and aggressive eaters/hunters.

I have seen pods for sale or you can get them from somebody in the hobby who has cheato or caulerpa, etc...They come with the algae...
Or checkout Saltwater City or Keen Reef, they carry Tiger Pods. I know Sal has them, but it's a drive for you. If you decide to come up this way drop me a pm and stop by my house...I have a 120 reef with the proper set up for mandarins. I'll even give you some caulerpa with extra pods to take home for stopping by.

How long has your tank been set up? What other fish are in it? Is there a sump or fuge?
I have warm water pods in stock. These will breed and thrive in your aquarium.

I also have Tiger pods, these are cold water and you will only get about a month out of them. They only reproduce males in warm water, so when the last female dies, no more tiger pods.
