Copper killer


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It took less than 10 hours for the copper dose to kill my Royal Gramma. The water in the hospital tank came directly from the display tank and I had a heater and circulation. The fish was mildly ill, not gasping, and still eating nicely before the treatment. Only symptoms were scratching and some white spots. I do not think I overdosed the tank, the instructions were clear, and included a test kit.

The instructions did NOT however, say to gradually dose the tank. I ponder should I have gradually added the copper, do different fish have different tolerance, should a RG never see copper...

Any other horror stories regarding copper? I'd like to somehow learn from this experience.
Was the QT just setup to treat this fish? or was it up and running prior to the fish getting sick?
Also any live rock in the QT?
Thanks for any input folks. I don't want to fear the QT... and right now I do.

For QT setup:"></a>

It was setup just for the one fish. There is no live rock, or even live filtration, but the fish was only in for 10 hours, so I wouldn't think that would be a factor. Maybe on day X, but not in the first 10 hours.

The copper test was a Red Sea kit.

Maybe I did over medicate. The tank is a five gallon tank, but I don't know that there was exactly 5 gallons in the tank. I have a hang on filter so may be there is 4.5 gallons, and then the concentration would have been too strong.
I wouldn't have used the stuff in the test kit. If you must use copper, use Seachem Cupramine. That Red Sea test will work to test that. Much more stable, much less harsh.

I'm still not convinced it was ich. Given how quickly the fish perished, I'm still thinking Brooklynella. Copper won't touch that.

If you have a situation where you aren't sure if it's one or the other, Hikari makes a product called Ich-X which contains Formalin. Formalin treats Brooklynella and since it's hard to find good old Formalin 3 anymore, this is a suitable treatment.

One thing though, if using Ich-X, DO NOT USE PRIME OR ALPHA or any water conditioner with sulfur in it. Hikari makes a product called Ultimate that can be used to dechlorinate etc.
