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Hey I put a powerhead in my qt and treated a fish with copper. I was wondering if I could put the powerhead back in the main tank after treatment...:stupid:
I wouldn't risk it. Just keep that powerhead for your QT and use/buy another powerhead. Carbon will remove copper from the water, but it may be at a rate slower than the powerhead may release it. I know there are test kits that allow you to test the coppers level in the water. You can try running it in a bowl or container with clean water and test it to see if any copper is being released into the water from the powerhead. If it is, keep testing and changing the water in the bowl until it stops.
Showtime305 wrote: I wouldn't risk it. Just keep that powerhead for your QT and use/buy another powerhead. Carbon will remove copper from the water, but it may be at a rate slower than the powerhead may release it. I know there are test kits that allow you to test the coppers level in the water. You can try running it in a bowl or container with clean water and test it to see if any copper is being released into the water from the powerhead. If it is, keep testing and changing the water in the bowl until it stops.

Good Idea thanks!:thumbs:
I dont know the ill effects of that, but if you needed to reuse it, I'ld say let it soak in vinegar for a bit. But who knows that might have some kind of chemicle reaction and make a twinkie?
I dont need to reuse it. So, now i get to go shopping... What are some good powerheads for a 75 gallon. I have the really small ones from my 26.
Depending on how much you want to spend, I would say 4-5 Maxijets, 2-3 Seio's or 1-2 Tunze Streams.
Definatly go with the maxijet 1200 i have three in my 75 on a wavemaster pro and they are doing awsome. I also have one in my 20 gallon.
plus you can goto maxijet mods or something like that and but some upgrade parts to make that maxi a powerful monster!
OOOOooooOoOOOoooo!! NOS on a powerhead NICE. lol I ordered the wavemake with 4 maxi 1200's on ebay just now. Very cheap on there.:up:
i just put a tunze t6060 in my 75 gal. tank. get rid of all your cheap powerheads and get 1 good one like i won't regret it . great flow through out the whole aquarium, not just a narrow line of water flow.147.00 includes shipping from
yeah I will I have 3 small PH's in my tank now and im tired of looking at them:lol2: