Coral Beauty in Distress!!!


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I have had a coral beauty for about two weeks now and she has been doing fine. I came home today and noticed that one of the front fins was just bone.. no fin what soo ever. right under this on her belly she is missing a chunk of her belly.... it is a deep gash that has grey appearance.... this has not affected eating or regular swimming but the spot seems to get bigger.... HELP!!!! All suggestions and facts are greatly appreciated...

Other things in the tank are choc. star, 2 blue hermits(verysmall), new pepper mint shrimp, and lots of bristle worms....

thanks Camden Goddard
try to get it out and qt it i just lost my flame angel like this i dont know what it was but it happened fast...sorry to here that
Camden: I am going to move this to the "Reef Discussion" where more people might see it and be able to help you.
Sounds like a predator problem to me. Maybe one of the larger worms or a hidden crab. I would start looking for a big critter at night. Maybe try to lure something out with a piece of shrimp.

QTing probably isn't a bad idea. If it is disease, QT can help you treat it. If it is a predator, it will protect the fish. The transfer could kill it from the stress however. I would be very gentle getting it into QT if you go that route.
I agree with Cameron with the stress...if he is bad off the move may just kill him alone...Im not doc, by far, but would seem he has been beat up more than a desease...and I say SEEM...If it was me, Id probably leave him and monitor closely...and for sure night check would be great!
she did not want to get up and swim this morning but after some food she was fine..... she was still swimming fine and seeming normal when i got home today.... ill definatley do the night check tonight.... do you think a crab could have gone unseen for almost a year.... there are some pretty big bristle worms too if you think thet would harm a fish.
before mine died it would swim as if it was ok then just lay there and so on and so on for about 10 hours and then i found him dead
that is strange.... thanks for your help.... all there is to do is hope and pray i guess...
it does... it has not gotten bigger since yesterday... i have also found that when i turn the lights off for more than 10 minutes, that she will go and lay on the substrate and be almost unable to get back up; but leaving the lights on, she will stay just as fine and perky as ever. She was swimming and eating fine when i got home today... still hoping and prayin for a miracle... sorry camera is broke!
Juts based on the description, it sounds like brookynella. You will want to treat. Please do get a pic, though. Find some formalin and treat per the direction with that IN A TREATMENT TANK ONLY! In the mean time a fresh water dip might help, but it might also push the fish over the edge. If it is brook, you will need to treat though- it is deadly.
well thanks for all your help everyone.....but she just couldnt take it!