Coral educational resorces


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I remember when I first started keeping corals, about 18 years ago, that there seemed to be a lot of actual educational resources out there. I remember Coral magazine, books by sprung, which I may still have somewhere, and other print resources. I really enjoyed digging into things like. Now, it seems like those types of resources have dried up. I'm having trouble finding anything educational past the typical message board dribble (which can also be fun of course:)

So, is anyone else feeding their brains with anything besides forum posts? Where do you research to find out the latest and greatest advances in coral care (from sources that aren't trying to sell you something). ?
Coral magazine is still here, I have a subscription. I also grew up devouring any book I could get my hands on and still keep a pretty extensive library. Unfortunately, the demand has dropped significantly so publishing new books has become much fewer and far between.
Learning from forums has to be extremely frustrating for a new reefer, so many other be people just spouting things out they've heard while the people who really know have tired of the banter and stay mostly quiet.
YouTube and podcasts may be the best of the options now.20230410_095524.jpg
I tend to look for posts by specific people who are experts in their area. Randy Holmes-Farley for chemistry stuff, Dana Riddle for lighting, Humblefish for quarantine/diseases.

I do find some of the BRStv investigates videos pretty valuable like their coral growth comparison in different pH and their refugium performance testing under different kinds of lighting.

There's a guy on YouTube called ReefMan who made a lot of videos citing and explaining interesting research papers. He links to the actual papers under the videos. Unfortunately, he stopped posting 9 months ago.
i will take a picture of some of the books i have, some were really great and are still to this day.