Coral Help Please


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I have ....">[B]<span style="color: #0000ff;">Yellow Polyps</span>[/B]</a> 8 on 1 rock
Electric Green [B]<u><span style="color: #0000ff;">Zoanthids 26 on1 rock</span></u>[/B]
[B]<u><span style="color: #0000ff;">Green button polyps a cluster of 6</span></u>[/B]
[B]<u><span style="color: #0000ff;">Green Tourch Coral 2 heads</span></u>[/B]
<span style="color: black;">In my 55gal i want to know what I need to dose the tank with I did a water change befor I bought all the coral. My Temp is about 83 my salt is about 1.24-1.26 I I just started putting Lugol's Solution(Iodione) 2 drops a week.</span>
I know I need other stuff but what? Thanks much
p.s. also I feed them DT's phytoplankton 1Tbs. every other day
If you can test for something and find that you are low on it, then you can dose for it, but your makeup water should have everything in that you need. There are reef biologists who never dose anything in their tanks at all, and find that everything does well.

If you dose stuff that you aren't testing for, you could dose too much and cause problems.

The DT's will help feed your 'pod population, which will feed your corals -- the scientists have found that the corals do eat some phyto, but they eat more zooplankton (tiny animals).
Hmm- I'd back off completely on the DT's and the iodine. Your water changes and lights should enough to give the corals the nutrients they need. I'm afraid the DT's may pollute the tank faster than the corals would eat it up, and the iodine can quickly cause problems if overdosed (easily done, since normal range is VERY low).
You should expect to have to dose alkalinity in any reef tank with growing coralline and hard corals, regardless of the salt mix used. Water changes are really not suitable to maintain it. I discuss that here:

Water Changes in Reef Aquaria"><span style="color: #000088;"></span></a>

and this may help:

The “How To” Guide to Reef Aquarium Chemistry for Beginners, Part 2: What Chemicals Must be Supplemented
[IMG]"><span style="color: #000088;"></span></a>

<FONT class=sf>__________________
Randy Holmes-Farley
Barbara;189665 wrote: What else do you have in there? How much LR? Fish? What lighting? Don't panic; I started out with stuff just like that and I never did a thing! Just had a ton of LR and a good skimmer and some fish, which I fed. The corals you have are pretty low maintanence.
2 clarkiis
2 <span style="color: #0000ff;">domino</span> Damsels
1 Green Carpet A.
Live Rock 60lbs?
mojo;189666 wrote: Hmm- I'd back off completely on the DT's and the iodine. Your water changes and lights should enough to give the corals the nutrients they need. I'm afraid the DT's may pollute the tank faster than the corals would eat it up, and the iodine can quickly cause problems if overdosed (easily done, since normal range is VERY low).

Yea i feel you on the DT's, but should it be a prob with the iodine even if Im testing it every week? And Keep it at a good range would that do any damage?
Don't waste your time with iodine. With the corals you have, you don't have to dose anything; they feed from the Dt's and fish poop.

Dosing will be the quickest way to deplete your funds and crash your tank.
of course, they are assuming that you are supplimenting calcium & alk
i had my water tested for everything today
DKH- 12
Phosphate-1 (high)
. So get right to it I got today i bought
(BrightWell Aquatics)
REEF CODE A which contains
REEF CODE B which contains
*Alkalinity or Buffering Capacity
Dose both everyother day for a week then go get your water tested again to see the progress. should do the trick"></a>


<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Phosphate reduction/ removal and high trates could be the answer. If you cannot get a fuge or sump (you can maybe make a "rubbermaid sump with chaeto in it for a few bucks) you can get a $35.00 hangon phosphate reactor for your tank and put some Phosar HC in there (or other). In the future, you'll most likely need a refugium with Macro algae. At first you’ll need to change your Iron based media in the phosphate reactor more often. Your media will get saturated in 2 weeks or so depending upon how much is bound up in your rocks, tank, algae, etc. Use less media, change every 2 weeks. Use a great test kit like DD Merck, Hack, Elos, or colormeter or send to AWT. If you already have a fuge & reactor, be aggressive & change the media every 2 weeks.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">when you do your water change, take the end of the hose and suck all the algae down like a vaccum. It'll take a few water changes, but it works (especially after the phosphate remover kicks in)</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">You must export the same or more nutrients than you put in. Overfeeding, tap water, high phosphate foods, etc. Use a phosphate reactor with some phosar or ROWA or whatever, and something to lower nitrates like a fuge, AZNO3, or whatever. </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">check out:</span></span>"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"></span></span></span></a>
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yea i all ways use ROWA and i got some phos remove .... its the suff you but in a bag and you put it in your sump for about a month, if you know any one who is selling a reactor for cheap, PM me please