Coral loss


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I posted something similar to this a few weeks ago. I just had a Goniopora that died last week ( it hadn't been happy in awhile), I just lost a hammer within 3 days and believe it or not even my GSP isn't extending. Most of my other coral still look relatively happy although my zoas open only randomly. Parameters are :
Alkalinity 8.0
I raised my alkalinity from 7 to 8.4 last week so I'm not sure how it's back down to 8.0 already.

In any case, I want to try and figure out what's wrong before I start to lose any more coral. Thanks in advance
How long has the tank been set up? Phosphates are a bit on the high side.

how are you maintaining your parameters? I see you mentioned you raised it last week, but are you doing it daily or automated enough to keep it stable?
There was a time when I couldn't grow GSP at all for some reason. Gonis can be difficult but it is indeed suspect that you lost one right after the other. Alk will fluctuate as coral grow (along with calcium) but how fast did you raise the Alk? Everything loves stability and raising it too fast can cause problems even when the levels are all within the acceptable band. I don't think 1.4 dKh is too much of a swing but it might have stressed something out.

(I just saw @civics14 post and have the same questions.)
In addition to the other question, Was anything close to the hammer that could of had coral warfare?

Can you take a picture of your tank?
At first glance you mag is low, raising it up will help in keeping more stable alk and cal levels. It's been really hot this week, is your tank next to a window? How high did the temp in the house get when you aren't home?
How long has the tank been set up? Phosphates are a bit on the high side.

how are you maintaining your parameters? I see you mentioned you raised it last week, but are you doing it daily or automated enough to keep it stable?
I dose by hand as necessary which has only been one or twice so far. Tank is 6 months old and my phosphates just recently went up but I believe that's because I shortened my photoperiod on my refugium so much due to ultra low level s
There was a time when I couldn't grow GSP at all for some reason. Gonis can be difficult but it is indeed suspect that you lost one right after the other. Alk will fluctuate as coral grow (along with calcium) but how fast did you raise the Alk? Everything loves stability and raising it too fast can cause problems even when the levels are all within the acceptable band. I don't think 1.4 dKh is too much of a swing but it might have stressed something out.

(I just saw @civics14 post and have the same questions.)
Raised the alk over a 48 hour period
At first glance you mag is low, raising it up will help in keeping more stable alk and cal levels. It's been really hot this week, is your tank next to a window? How high did the temp in the house get when you aren't home?
Tank is close to a window but blinds are closed most of the time. House stays around 74 degrees
In addition to the other question, Was anything close to the hammer that could of had coral warfare?

Can you take a picture of your tank?
Nothing close to the hammer to reach it


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The hammer in question is to the right of the wrasse in the first picture. I have four other hammers that are doing fine
Assuming I'm not fudging my tests I guess it might be time to set up a doser. Don't want to deal with the pain of dosing manually long-term.
Nothing is really standing out in what is causing it to die off like that, especially the GSP not extending and those are bullet proof.
As mentioned, get your mag level up to help your alk and calc in balance.
Automatic dosing would be ideal.

what lights are you running and could there be something that got in the tank? Windex? Any aerosol spray in the general area? Maybe run some carbon to help catch any contaminant?

just spit balling some ideas
I'm running kessil a360x's 6 inches off the water. I don't bring anything chemically around the tank so can't think of anything there. And I'm already running carbon since day one. I'm at a loss
Ammonia and nitrites are 0. Don't normally test them but didn't want any questions in my head. Temp is steady at 78.2
Quick update. Just tested everything and my mag is back up to 1400, calcium is 410 and alkalinity is 7.8. I guess I didn't realize with all the small frags I had that I needed to be dosing more often. I'm going to check again in 48 hours and then set up an auto doser. On a side note, my GSP started reopening again today
Does anybody have a test kit they prefer for checking magnesium? I've been using red Sea pro but my magnesium readings are all over the place. Within 2 weeks I've got readings of 1400 1200 1350 and 1600. Just dont trust it
Does anybody have a test kit they prefer for checking magnesium? I've been using red Sea pro but my magnesium readings are all over the place. Within 2 weeks I've got readings of 1400 1200 1350 and 1600. Just dont trust it
Whats the code date on it? I’ve tested mine using red sea twice in a row and get the same results