Coral loss

Yeah, I second Red Sea kits for Calcium and Magnesium. Those specific tests are precise and repeatable.
I have trouble with the Red Sea Mag too. I use Salifert and get repeatable results with it. I can tell you the Mag absolutely did not swing that much.

Your Cal is perfect but your going to need to set that doser up. When you continue to raise Alk the Cal will fall.

With the I understand the goni loss, as Justin said they can be difficult. You've got to keep moving them around till you find their happy place. Mine ended up just not being happy anywhere in my display but loved a spot in my frag tank.
The hammer, well, I don't know about that one. Change the carbon maybe do a water change and keep a close eye on everything else.

Sending off an ICP test may not be a bad idea.

Here's a pic of my goni in its happy place. When I got it the size was about a jawbreaker. Didn't grow or extend much at all for nine months in the display. The pic is about a year in the frag tank. And yeah, I had and algae problem at the time :rolleyes:
Yeah, I just went ahead and reordered new reagent refills for the red Sea. I've been using it for a while and I'm just used to it. Hopefully I'll get a more accurate magnesium reading after this.