Coral spawning?


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I have suddenly noticed at least 4 little buds that match the coloring of two Pocollopora colonies I have in the tank (brown with bright green polyp tips). These are not fragments unless my colonies managed to slough off pieces that are literally a couple polyps each and they managed to attach in a 25g tank with 1020 gph flow. They are definitely coral buds.

Does anyone have any info on corals spawning in home aquariums? Do they drop buds in some asexual reproduction that would explain this?

Everything is healthy in the tank, though the two clams closest to my Pocollopora colonies have been buttoned up for the past couple days and I noticed a surface film of stuff in my fuge and display that looked like someone drooled or blew their nose in my tank. I have since done two 10 gallon water changes to get rid of the film and ensure water quality.

Pictures of the buds will come as soon as I can borrow an SLR since my point and shoot won't focus that close reliably.
I think I answered my own question courtesy of Scientific Coral. It's likely Polyp Bailout.

Now I wonder if they didn't eject a few into my big Crocea clam ...
chances are if one happened to fall into the in-syphon the clam would either "sneeze" it out or be so irritated by it that it would close up and you'ld notice something wrong.
The problem is that the big clam has been mostly buttoned up for the past couple days and I'm starting to get worried. During the day, the mantle is extended only a 1/2" or so on each side (fully extended, it's probably 1.5" on each side). At night, it extends more.

The other smaller Crocea that was doing the same for a couple days went back to normal.
if the clam isnt attached try turning it upside down and hold it loosly in your hand till it open a bit and if anything is inside it should fall out. Plus this makes for a good time to check for any predator snails.
My clam is doing the same thing right now. For the past few days he is not opening very much. All the perm seem to be fine. I re-added the fish and a few days later he is not happy. Ca = 480 so I can not figure it out.
Polyp bailout....oh those dreaded words, I am about to take out my 250 lbs of live rock and chisel off any pieces of pocillipora I can find and burn the remaining pieces, so it will not return. I have battled it for 1 1/2 years, man I actually have it growing on the glass walls in my refugium!!!
It has gotten to the point where the small pieces are the size of golf balls now and are pushing and irritating some of my nicer pieces of coral.